Born again MFer

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Born again MFer

Postby Loribug » March 17th, 2006, 7:16 pm

I started MF January 23rd and lost 33 pounds in just a few weeks. (Had alot of water weight to lose too) Then I decided to have a cheat day, MF was really getting to me because I had yet to find anything that I was really crazy about eating. Well, one turned into two, then My sister had a seizure while we were shopping at Sam's club and I had to stay in the hospital with her, then it was the weekend and we were ordering food at work and then I had out of town company and yadda yadda yadda. All things considered I still kind of watched my calories and only gained 3 pounds back of my 33, thank God. So here I am again. I restarted two days ago and have already lost those 3 pounds.

I have still read the forum even when I was "calorie counting" and the inspiration from you guys has got me going stronger than ever. I pledge to fit into my size 14 (now a size 28) pink leather jacket that I purchased for inspiration by the end of the summer, maybe sooner.

I also have had lupus for 12 years and on steroid therapy for 10 years, and if you don't know this will make you gain 150 pounds, literally. I am as of last week off my steroids (cross your fingers).

My goal is to be 150 pounds and more than the weight loss is to feel good. I used to go island hopping 4-5 times a year and scuba dive. I loved to SCUBA. My present to myself this winter is a trip and to dive again.

Just wanted to let you know that I could not do this without all the support from you girls (and guys) in the forum (and nancy) .

Thankyou so much.
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Postby PGL » March 17th, 2006, 7:25 pm

Hi Loribug! I too, am and OLD first shake was 9 months ago, and I saw results right away but "life" got in the way...good for you, for coming back so much sooner than me..You can do it !! I am so proud of you..You're awesome ! ( I'd give you some cheerleader emoticons, but I can't get them to show up..) Gina II in NC
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Postby dede4wd » March 17th, 2006, 11:03 pm

We should start an old newbie club! At LEAST we all came back. I know for a FACT this is my final diet, because I'm changing the way I THINK! I can't believe that is even possible!!!!

Old Newbies Rule!

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Postby falisamarie » March 18th, 2006, 8:48 am

I am so proud of you guys for getting back on the wagon :bravo: Many times people have asked me how I can do this and not have any cheats and I have honestly told them that I am afraid that if I have one cheat that I will be off the wagon and I don't know that I have the strength yet to just get back on so I really admire yall's strength :weightlift: It also shows how much you beleive in Medifast and just reaffirms my faith that I KNOW that I have found the right way to get this weight off and keep it off!

Thanks so much for sharing :hug:

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Postby Dayna » March 18th, 2006, 10:01 am

Welcome back! Good for you for getting back to the program. We're going to expect pictures of you in that jacket, you know . . . ;)

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Postby Lizabette » March 18th, 2006, 10:50 am

LORIBUG, and the rest of you 'old newbies, (Gina II and DeDe),

You are all to be commended for your strength in 'coming back again" :whoohoo: because none of us here can do this by ourselves, or else we wouldn't be where we are now. Three cheers for you all::cheerleader: :cheerleader: :cheerleader:

'Life' happened to you, as it will to all of us eventually! It surely happened to Lisa too, but for her and many of us, "one cheat is one cheat too many!" A cheer for Lisa too.. :cheerleader: ...and all the rest of us!

This time, as for DeDe, and many others, with God's help and all of you, it is "our last and final diet!" :yes:

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Postby Diana » March 18th, 2006, 6:09 pm

Loribug, the Pastry Chef!! You inspire me to no end!!!

After all that, only 3 pounds and it's already gone?!! Way to go!!

You mentioned you're off the steroids -- does this mean your lupus is in remission or are you managing it some other way? (My sister-in-law has lupus and is currently on steroids. After protecting her weight for 40+ years, the fact that she's now gaining against her will and efforts has been difficult for her emotionally.)

Somewhere out there, a quote exists something along the lines of "Failure is not in the falling, it's in the refusal to get back up." You and DeDe and Gina, therefore, are ALREADY successful!!!! GO GET EM!!!

I can't wait to see a pic of you in that pink leather jacket!!

Last edited by Diana on March 18th, 2006, 6:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Loribug » March 18th, 2006, 6:12 pm

Diane, I'm not the pastry chef, thank God! I'd weigh 600 pounds. lol
I"m more of a bread and savory heavy carb eater than the sweets anyway. Excuse me, WAS.

Thanks everyone for the support. Love you guys!
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Postby Diana » March 18th, 2006, 6:16 pm

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

Forgive the confusion, Loribug! I'll try harder to keep everyone straight.

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
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Postby PGL » March 18th, 2006, 9:08 pm

Wow ! I was feeling kind of discouraged today, then onto the forum I jump, and just feel all re-ignited ! Thanks so much all of you, for the encouragement ! Being an old newbie was really embarassing, but you've all helped me with that.. I felt like such a failure, and didn't even want to say I had been here before...I treasure each of you ! I sure wish I could get my emoticons to work, and I'd have a whole page of 'em for each of you !! Have a great Sunday ! Happy shakin' ! Happy Losin' ! Happy perseverin' ! Gina II in NC
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Postby dede4wd » March 18th, 2006, 9:18 pm

It's not embarassing to be an old newbie! We lived, we learned, we returned! We're doing GREAT! I am so happy that I found my way back! Just to think if I had stayed on this last time, where I'd be...can't think about that. I'm just so glad I KNOW this program works, I KNOW I'm going to win and I KNOW how not to do it (tee hee!).

We're winning, just by being back, can't you tell!


P.S. Loribug, you SCUBA!!! I'm DYING to scuba! It's very very high on my "things I can do when I'm comfy in my skin" list!!!!!
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Postby PGL » March 18th, 2006, 9:52 pm

Amen and thanks DeDe...and I'm with you and Loribug on the scuba thing..It would be so much fun ! We'll get there ! We'll do it !
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Postby Loribug » March 19th, 2006, 3:52 am

hmmmm 4 am at work and nothing to do. Looking up diving equipment on the net. hehehe this is fun
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Postby Nancy » March 21st, 2006, 2:00 pm

LoriBug ~

My :tears: eyes just splashed me.

I read again about how life sortta just got in the way of your we had a delayed start...we're off and on our way now towards that beautiful pink leather jacket...(I shall not envy, I shall not covet...)

How's your sister?

It's :whoohoo: great to hear that you are off of the steroids. (I shall not envy, I shall not covet) I :angel: pray that this time you are able to stay off of them for the rest of your days.

I am on Prednisone for lupus and it is a :deadhorse: fight to keep those pounds at a distance, it takes great discipline, I don't aways win but I cannot imagine how I would have ever lived out the rest of my days gaining more weight each year. Medifast makes it possible to be a loser and a winner at the improved health game!

Scuba dooba doo days are ahead for those who :dance: shake every three hours!
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