Bored at night and binge eating.

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Bored at night and binge eating.

Postby Kelseyyyyy » October 27th, 2005, 9:38 pm

Hey, I have been on medifast for two weeks now, but this past week has really been bad. I have been compuslively overeating around 6:00 everynight. I try to do medifast in the morning and fall off the horse in the evening. I really want this to work for me but I need to be able to stop my urges when they arise. Can anyone give me pointers? When I stare at my empty fridge with celery and jello, I tend to eat 2-4 cups of jello immediately. This is really bad and I know it. I just need help putting everything into perspective and getting my mind back to where it was when I started. I was determined then and I still an determined now, but I have these dimented and obsessive urges that I need to do something with. Please reply. THank you!

Kelsey :(
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Postby mytime » October 27th, 2005, 11:08 pm

Kelsey - first off, WELCOME - secondly, are you under new stress ? and thirdly - put all of the Jello in the trash and do it tonight and take it to your main trash. Is it the Jello or other stuff too ? The sweetness of the Jello may be triggering you. When are you eating your one ? I would recomend that you eat a bar or something you really like with 32 oz of water before you get home or if at home at 4pm or so. This and remove temptation - I would liken this to how others struggle with the bars. If it is bugging you - calling your name - get rid of it.

Then STOP STOP STOP beating yourself up and starting again tomorrow. Start right now. One shake at a time. You can do this - YOU ROCK and you will get back on track. That and post like crazy. In the beginning that is all I did post and read posts and go to the studio. HANG IN THERE !!!!! Mytime
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Cheer up Kelseyyy ---You can DO this!!!

Postby JulieAnn » October 28th, 2005, 2:58 pm


I have been there done that soooooooo many times. :deadhorse: In fact I figured out that having anything other than Medifast after 6 pm triggers bing eating to the point that I feel like I want to :puke:
I thought that if I had a suger free carb free jello it would make me feel satisfied but instead I wanted to eat everything under the sun. I have found that if I have a medifast oatmeal (maple brown sugar) is my favorite.... that it seems to stick to my ribs more and then I just tell myself "Ok, :water: is all you get the rest of the night, you didn't stay on track all day to bomb out with only a few hours away from a completed day. " I also try to remind myself of how bad I feel when I give in to temptation and how food is not my friend...

So, hang in there, we are all :cleader: Here for you.

Keep shaking,
Julie Ann
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Eating Binge

Postby Jan » October 28th, 2005, 3:49 pm

Hi Kelsey,
Try some hot liquids in the evening. I drink hot herb tea. It seems hot things satisfy us and fill up our tummies. Sometimes I have oatmeal as my last meal too (about 8:00 at night) I like to go to bed with a warm, full tummy. Another thing you may try is to make the M.F. oatmeal cookies and have them along with a hot tea. You can eat them slowly or dunk them. You will think you are having a nice evening dessert.
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Postby Guest » October 29th, 2005, 5:55 am

Hi Kelsey!! :lol: :lol:

I understand exactly what you are saying... :hug: I am the same way.

Did you know that the artifical sweeteners used in some foods can trigger a huge sweet tooth?? and ekkkkkkkk the dreaded cravings. :twisted: :twisted:

Do you live alone?? or with other folk?? If I lived alone on this diet, I would donate everything in my pantry to the food bank, and only have available what I could eat. If it isn't here....I am not going to go out and get it. ONce I get home, I am home.... which is a good thing being as I live in the middle of fast food hXXX.....

Pitch the jello :whip: ,...... stick to things that don't have artificial sweeteners in them...that might help.....
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I'm the same way...

Postby bande1102 » October 29th, 2005, 6:05 am

Nighttime is really my downfall, but for me it's because I'm tired and when I'm tired all I wanna do is eat. So when it gets really bad, I go read in bed. I have three kids and a husband and they enjoy (and can stop) at a cookie or two. I can't. I've just accepted that its always gonna be a struggle for me and someday I'll figure it out ;) Until then, it's to bed, reading, anything but going into the kitchen.

Oh, that's another thing. After my last meal, I absolutely will not go into the kitchen. The kids have self-serve snacks if they need one and they can walk in their on their little legs and get it. If I need water they'll get it for me, too.

My great worry is Halloween. Boy do I love candy!

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Postby Kelseyyyyy » October 29th, 2005, 3:33 pm

Thanks everyone for your reply. I am determined to lose weight and stay on medifast. I do live by myself so sometimes when I am bored I get an itch to eat something. I talked with my health advisor and she thinks that I should just eat extra medifast meals until I can stand up to my eating temptations. You all made a good point about the jello, I think it does trigger me to want to eat more sweets. I have a weird relationship with food and once I feel that I have messed up, somewhere I am able to rationalize making a big mistake rather than a small one. Meaning...I would rather binge all night long. SOOOO, I did well yesterday and so far I am doing well today...although I feel the itch again. Wish me luck. I can do this!

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Postby mytime » October 29th, 2005, 8:59 pm

Kelsey - 99% of us have a weird relationship with food. Hence being overweight. We are all here to learn to do it differently. You are DOING AWESOME !!!! I say post post post and read read read your way past the munchies. Also like I said, if it tempts you set it free - to the TRASH WITH IT :D . You ROCK and success is one slurp away. Hang TOUGH you are doing GREAT. Mytime
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Postby josephine » October 30th, 2005, 2:40 pm

I do "self talk" where I negotiate with myself and say instead of eating I'm going to do X. And "X" has to be something I enjoy like a hot bubble bath, getting my nails done, going shopping, anything to get me away from the fridge.
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