
All that hard work and now what? Let's talk about how to keep those pounds off...


Postby elle4nelly » March 26th, 2004, 1:02 pm

Is anyone out there reading or has read in the past any good "Self help" and " Behavior modification" books? If so, could you please share them with me. I'd like to utilise the time I'm on medifast to really understand and get a grip on Emotional eating and that sort of things. I worry now, that if I don't make an effort to understand the relationship between food and emotions, I'll lose all that weight and not know how to keep it and the food demons off. I have been really skinny before but obviously somewhere I lost control. And I must admit, badly so for here I am! My weight problem started 10 years ago, I have been every size from 4 to 20 forth and back. I want to break the Yo-Yo syndrome forever. Therefore, I don't want to wait until I reach my goal to worry about it. I want to prepare and arm myself( Like a soldier ) for what will be a lifetime effort and or battle to keep the weight off once I get there.
So..if you know of a good book..let me know...

Anxious on my way to Thinville,

your shakin pal

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Re: Books

Postby explorthis » March 26th, 2004, 2:49 pm

elle4nelly wrote:Is anyone out there reading or has read in the past any good "Self help" and " Behavior modification" books? and get a grip on Emotional eating and that sort of things. I'll lose all that weight and not know how to keep it and the food demons off

Nellie, great topic for discussion. Though I have never been thin/skinny, this still concerns me every day – MAINTENANCE – BEHAVIOR - MODIFICATION. Now that I am at a semi-desirable weight, what exactly do I do?

I am not struggling to keep the weight off now, though I still have to consciously think about it. I have comfortably scared myself into knowing it will be a non-ending battle. Or will it? I don’t know. I have the support of this board, and the support of my Mom, who by the way is still at her desired loss. I see her about once a week and we regale each other with skinny-ism’s. I am still at a loss as to what I should be doing. I have no real maintenance plan, other than the one I have temporarily devised. Is this the one I will use forever? Beats me. I have no ground work, nor have I read any “what to do now” books. I am still 100% conscious of everything that enters my mouth, and am very cautious.

I have gained 2.5 pounds, since keeping it off successfully for more than 2 months, and this scared me. I know it’s mostly water weight (no it’s not a girls club – no guys allowed thing) and it will come off. Since I step on the scale every evening, and every morning religiously, I know what my exact weight is to the 1/10th of a pound. Odd? This keeps me on the straight and narrow. These 2.5 pounds are nothing, as long as it comes off. I only discovered this gain 2 days ago, but I am still fearful. 2.5 pounds in the general scheme of things is nothing, but we all know that 2-2-2-2-2 adds up. I know you think why is he even talking about 2.5 pounds, but you will ALL be in this boat one day soon.

I really don’t struggle with the “food demon’s” but I can easily see myself over indulging at any given time, any meal, any snack. Sugar, candy, ice cream, fried stuff, and other fat-inducing foods do not really appeal to me. They did in the past, but for some reason the “scared” part of me has not let the “craving demon’s” in. I have no problem saying NO to these, though I do have a problem with the potential large portion that is available at every avenue I pass. These avenues are not going away, so I (we) must adapt.

I did have one small emotional eating craving recently, but I did not succumb. I maybe lying to myself, but since this weight loss has occurred, I either am not emotional, or don’t let emotion get in my way when it comes to food.

The “maintenance” part of me, the plan that I have devised, and am still working on is fine for now. I can’t see myself sticking to the same things, day after day forever. I want variation, and different choices, but the lazy part of me is content with the salads, oatmeal’s, and non-sugared items for now. Remember I am still new to this “new way of life” and if I can help you prepare for the near future, then this is one less burden you have to carry.

I would love discussion on plans, idea’s, what did those that have lost it in the past done.

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Postby Guest » March 26th, 2004, 3:47 pm

Mike you are right on! And I hope more people will join us on this discussion for it is really important!!
I for one am not going to tell you to "relax, it's only 2.5 lbs". No, I won't! You are right to be concerned. Having been there before, I remember the many times, I lost it all and saw each pound creeping back and thinking..oh..I'll do something about it later..Well? Later came alright accompanied by all the weight I had lost and new pounds I didn't need on top of it all!!
Each of us really need to be understanding of ourselves and know the enemy or enemies. Then devise a plan of attack and be prepared for all the curves and difficulties we will encounter. To be prepared to change tactic if the enemy resist. I understand now, that the 2 biggest enemies out theres for me are 1. emotional eating and all the lack of self restraint that comes with! 2. not exercising enough.
Like it or not... eating less and moving more does equal ideal body weight.
So ..I have learned to appreciate exercise and it will not be a problem to incorporate daily doses of it in the maintenance part of this diet. BUT what do I do about the emotional eating? Believe me...I do not want to rest this issue until I understand it and learn to change my Food behavior . I have observed all my friends who all happen to be small...and realised that they move about more or exercise often and eat smaller portions. And they do it with such ease it puzzles me! It makes me realize that food can be an addiction or a disease..and I don't want it to be anymore. I need to change the triangular pattern. Emotional thoughts = eating (even when not hungry)=feeling bad about it all which leads back to emotional thoughts again...and here we go.
How does one get off this pattern...How do I react differently? Say for example boss, boyfriend, friend ... makes me I have tons of negative feelings such as being unappreciated, taken for granted etc...It's getting really emotional I get up and walk around and next thing I know ..I'm buying chocolate which I do not need, am not even hungry for...but in my sick mind( And it has to be a mind sickness) ...this chocolate avenges me from my feeling of being underappreciated and all!!! NO!NO!NO! NO!! THIS IS SO WRONG!! And this is the pattern I need to break!! If for example my boss makes me mad, I should...say..take a walk around the block, clear my mind and walk back to my desk without having grabbed some crap that my body doesn't need. It's time to learn and it could be a lifelong learning process..learn to take control. And I'm like you Mike, if anyone was able to keep or knows someone who has kept the weight off for a few years..tell us all what you did then or what that person's done. Because maintenance begins NOW and not when you're at goal not knowing what to do....

This Train to Thinville is a one way train...Toss me all the books and or advices, wisdoms you have to make sure we never go back up to this place that feels like a " Body & Soul's prison"

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Postby Jims Chick » March 26th, 2004, 3:54 pm

Richard Simmons has one called "Never Give Up"

"I can do all things through Christ"

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Postby elle4nelly » March 26th, 2004, 5:39 pm

Hush Jim chick!! I don't want to be trown out by Unca Tim!!!
:lol: A really good friend suggested these books( her therapist recommended those). I will attempt to read them myself.
"Anatomy of Food aadiction" by Anne Katherine

"Why weight" a guide to ending emotional eating By Geena Roth

and she said this last one is Awesome. Mike I think you'd love this ..written by a man too.

" Embracing Fear" by thom Rutledge. Also Mike, I know you don't like exercise per say...but basic Weight training would help you. It would increase your basic metabolic rate ( thus you'd burn more calories for any activity) and help you maintain your weight loss. It requires very little equipment. a bench and some weights. Joyce Vedral, has a book for men. It's very well made and walks you through an upper and lower body routine which can all be done within 30 minutes. My brother told me about this book.
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Postby Indigo » March 31st, 2004, 5:37 pm

'Life is hard, food is easy' has been very helpful for me, in recognizing the role food used to play in my life- well, not 'used to play in my life'- I'm still working through it- but for many of us food has had so much more meaning than simply fuel, and this book is really helpful in sorting a lot of that out.
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Postby Guest » April 1st, 2004, 10:17 am

Hi Laurie!

Glad to hear from you!

I will read it for sure! I started reading " Why weight" is very helpful in the sense that she has you doing a lot exercises that requires poking deep into one self for questions and answer. It's formated like a workbook thus the only downfall. I feel like I need to read a good book about this issue first and then move on to her workbook style book! So thanks...I'm checking right away.


P.S. Mike?? You're so quiet??? Did you read yourself of these 2 lbs???
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Postby explorthis » April 1st, 2004, 10:33 am

Anonymous wrote:P.S. Mike?? You're so quiet???

Quiet? Me? Do I appear the quiet type Q-U-I-E-T?

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Postby elle4nelly » April 1st, 2004, 2:11 pm

Love your quote!!!

Now how do I Ctrl Alt Delete my way back to 135lbs????????

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