Body Metamorphosis Questions????

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Body Metamorphosis Questions????

Postby Gwenski » October 5th, 2005, 2:02 pm

Okay so I noticed something way weird and rather disturbing last night. Need some 4-1-1 to quell my nerves here.

Let me explain………..I have a waist, have always had a waist – maybe it is more like a permanent indentation and bruise from where my waist should be and where my pants hit me. So, I have a lower roll and then I developed an upper roll. Then the rolls started competing with the Twin Towers so, I knew I was in trouble.

Well the Towers have dropped from my chin to where they should be but the rolls – oh the ROLLS. My lower roll is now smaller than my upper roll. TO MAKE IT WORSE>>>>>>>>>the upper roll is sort of hanging over my waist indent now. It is so weird – like a flap or deflated balloon.

What can I do? It will go away – right? Are there exercises? Anyone? I mean everything else is just getting smaller but this is totally bizarre and really bothersome.


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Postby jenn161012 » October 5th, 2005, 5:36 pm

I don't have to worry about the twin tower issue, because mine are rather small. But, I did have los dos rollos syndrome. My upper roll didn't sag, but it did look like the fat formed that way because of ill-fitting pants. It also extended farther than my lower roll. I have lost a total of 26 pounds (14 from Medifast!!!) and the upper roll doesn't stick out anymore. I am sure that as you lose weight, your upper roll will also shrink. Just be sure to slather yourself with oils or butters (such as shea or coco or emu) to help keep your skin elastic.

I had an amazing discovery about a week ago - I have a neck. Today, I noticed that it doesn't like a rubber band is wrapped around my upper arm when I lift my arm in class. Whoohoo!
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Postby Gwenski » October 7th, 2005, 3:59 pm

Yeah to having a neck! :mrgreen:

I am going to start slathering and shaking to make it all go away. I will have faith and pretend to be patient while I exercise and watch the numbers and pounds melt away.

Woo hoo!! I wonder what else is hiding under all this?!?


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