Body Fat Measurement and BMI

Fitness and Exercise

Body Fat Measurement and BMI

Postby Sylvia » November 8th, 2004, 8:09 pm

I've decided that I need to add weight training to my exercise plan so I went down to the fitness center where I work last week and had them help me put together a program. When I asked how I would measure my progress, the woman asked if I had had my body fat percentage measured recently. I said I had never actually had it measured. We made an appointment to do it today.

I can't say I was looking forward to doing this - I mean they take calipers and measure the fat on the back of your arm, your hip and your thigh. I was sure I wouldn't be pleased with the results as I know I still have some toning to do.

Well, we went through the measurements, she plugged the numbers into the computer and came back with a body fat percentage of 21.8. I got a printout that put it into context. It said that the average woman my age has a bf percentage of 23 and that I was to be congratulated and basically needed to maintain or improve! It said my percentage was superior to 55 of my "peer" group.

She then calculated my BMI which, after clearing up some technical errors, was 23.7 That actually put me in a category that was superior to 90% of my peers!

So my plan is to lift weights twice a week and get measured again in three months. My goal is to be down to 20% body fat by then which I am told is doable.

So why am I telling you all of this? I guess it was really additional reinforcement of how far I've come. Obviously the scale is an objective measure of success, but it is also an incredible feeling to be told that you have less fat than many of your peer group and that you are actually in a healthy range. Somehow having the calipers actually pinching my fat brought it home more than the scale does.

I am still worried as I approach transition about how I will maintain my weight loss. I am not worried about binging - more like a little here and a little there... but am hoping all of the exercise I plan to continue to do will help forgive any minor transgressions.

Most of all, I can't say enough good things about this plan and how proud I am of myself for sticking to it and achieving what I've achieved. I'm sold on the benefit. of MF and plan to keep using some of the products forever!
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Postby Nancy » November 8th, 2004, 9:29 pm

Dear SLENDER Sylvia ~

:cheermed: I rejoice with you and commend you for a job well done! :cheermed:

I've never had a body fat caliper test - that is, none other than the one my husband Terry gives me every time he passes me or the one Unca occasionally gives me when he sneaks up behind me while I'm folding clothes! :oops: Certainly not official flab measuring devices such as the one you experienced!

Wowee! :yay: I hope that you are now convinced that YOU ARE SLIM! :bouncie:

Good for you, Sylvia to plan your exercise program and to prepare for maintenance. Truly, just follow the tranny plan, increase your food consumption s-l-o-w-l-y and keep a food journal. It will help you to analyze your food intake and to know what foods are best to have on occasion and which foods can be standard fare.

Monitor your weight frequently.

Isn't it amazing how much healthier we are now that we have Medifasted?

You are in the top 10% for your age bracket - 90% of women your age are not as healthy as you are! It was worth it all!

Now you know that Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit
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Postby gr8views » November 9th, 2004, 6:27 am

What a real success you are! You have got to be proud of what you've accomplished and in a reasonably short period of time.

That has got to be the best present you've ever gotten! All the hard work has paid off.

Keep us posted on your transition and your exercise plan.

Your success is a real motivator!

Start Date: November 6, 2004


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