Bodily functions

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Bodily functions

Postby safechic » February 4th, 2004, 2:33 pm

I know that on this diet, I have been spending quite long time travelling back and forth to the restroom. What about constipation? Has anyone else experienced this and what can be done about it? :lol:

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Postby finalstraw » February 4th, 2004, 2:43 pm

Here's a clip Nancy wrote awhile back

With Medifast, the food is medically engineered and gives you all the vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids that your bod needs. HOWEVER, it does not have added filler so you will poop a LOT LESS and infrequently. If you are currently a daily dumper using Medifast will change your BR habits and it can be troublesome the first few days or week. Therefore, drink LOTS of water, I repeat, LOTS of water and be sure to go for a short walk each day. If needed, you may have a teaspoon or two of Metamucil (We recommend the smooth textured, Orange-flavored sugar free Metamucil.) There are some OTC stool softeners that work, too. Trust me, it works its way out eventually and once your body is used to the program, constipation becomes a memory.

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Orange? Smooth? Textured? Flavored?

Postby explorthis » February 4th, 2004, 3:08 pm

finalstraw wrote: Nancy: We recommend the smooth textured, Orange-flavored sugar free Metamucil

Mike - GAG!!! Orange? Smooth? Textured? Flavored? Common, its a "regulator" IIICCCKKK!

Metamucil caplets are the only way. 4 or 5 every morning with water.

This small formula has worked wonders for me......

All I can say is: Metamucil is a trusted friend.


P.S. for those that feel the need to "chew something" You could always chew those caple... Nevermind, I better stop before I get in trouble.
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Postby safechic » February 4th, 2004, 3:15 pm

Thanks, you guys! This board is wonderful, I have been spending way too much work time, reading for inspiration, but I have definitely found it! I am on day four and have not had hunger! The full fast is working, some of of you have expressed the fact that not having food makes it easier to resist and not make bad choices. That is exactly what it is for me. Bad choices, and - - I don't know - - something else just takes over and I can't stop eating!! Anyway, I have finally found the end of all ends and by my calculations, should be to maintenance phase on approximately september 1, 2004. (Funny how we make those calculations). Anyway, thanks everyone for all the inspiration.

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Postby TamiL » February 9th, 2004, 4:04 pm

Hey my fellow shakers...
a little tip I learned...when I have oatmeal for tends to get my "juices flowing" and helps to go to the bathroom...It hasnt failed me yet!! I find now also..that when I do drink coffee...that is an instant laxative on this program ..I used to drink tons of coffee, ive cut down quite a bit..and now find that if I get "backed up" in my plumbing..that all it takes is a bit of oatmeal and a cup of coffee..and Im back to normal!!
:-P just a tip for those of you that are having troubles with constipation!!!


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