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Postby TonyR » July 27th, 2006, 9:59 pm

Wow, you are doing great Bob!! Keep it up! I remember you posting in my journal about how inspiring I was to you with my weight loss, now your enthusiasm is inspiring to me!! :lol:
Start 5/1/06
Goal 3/1/07
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Postby Bob Loblaw » July 28th, 2006, 12:25 am

TonyR wrote:Wow, you are doing great Bob!! Keep it up! I remember you posting in my journal about how inspiring I was to you with my weight loss, now your enthusiasm is inspiring to me!! :lol:

You were certainly an inspiration.. It's quite amazing, while I felt Medifast would work, we all have doubts at the beginning, regardless of what we say and how psyched up we are.. deep down we have just a twinge of doubt.

Now, just over a month later and 30lbs gone, it has served to reinforce my beliefs in the program. I have no doubts there will be a few speed bumps ahead, I'll deal with them as they come and look back to my 1/3 of the way milestone as inspiration.
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Postby Bob Loblaw » August 12th, 2006, 1:41 pm

Still chugging along folks... haven't weighed in a bit, down a total of 37 in 7 weeks. Not bad.. averaging 5.2lbs per week :yes:

So "at this pace" I'm 10.19 weeks away from my goal! of course, I have no expectations of this pace continuing, it's something to aspire to!

Realistically, I should be at goal before the holidays begin. Great! I can fatten up again over the holidays and have a new years resolution to lose weight!!! Just kidding! it's going to be great to have a New Years resolution that is different than "lose weight"... it'll be "maintain weight" for ever!
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Postby SharonR » August 13th, 2006, 6:44 am

Hey Bob your still doing fantastic! People must be noticing, right?

I tried your cookies and I added less water and little more baking powder and WOW, I see why you like them so much!

I'm out of oatmeal right now and am dying to get some and make some more. Thanks for the tip!
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

Start Weight 326.7 ~ My short term goal will put me at 250!

Started June 19th 2008. First Mini Goal 76.7 pounds.
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Postby Bob Loblaw » August 19th, 2006, 9:42 am

Chalk me up on the big board.... Made the 40# Club this morning... an even 270.

Who would have ever thought 5+ lbs a week?

I'm on cruise control now!
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Postby Arklahoma » August 19th, 2006, 7:36 pm

Keep up the good work!!!
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Postby Bob Loblaw » November 7th, 2006, 11:24 am

Wow.. just realized I hadn't posted here in quite a while. My father was extremely ill for about 6 weeks so I haven't had much time to post.

I'm still on the program, going well. I'm now down 70lbs! Once I hit 60, I decided to slow things down a bit and move over to maintenance for a few weeks. (besides, that made it easier with my schedule) I gained about 2lbs during the 1st week, but as I adjusted I managed to lose another 10.

Now that things have settled down and my father is well on the way to recovery, I am back on the 5/1 program until I hit my final goal.

Glad to be back..
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Postby Unca_Tim » November 7th, 2006, 12:58 pm

Hi Bob,
Wow...guess it's been a while. Your last post was 30 lbs ago....:)

Glad to see your success.
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Postby TonyR » November 7th, 2006, 6:13 pm

Way to go Bob!! Glad to see you are doing well!! 8)
Start 5/1/06
Goal 3/1/07
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