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Postby Bob Loblaw » July 1st, 2006, 9:42 am

Drumroll please........

15lbs down after 1 week!

While I have no fantasies of this happening weekly and I won't be dismayed by those that say "it's water weight" yadda yadda yadda... At the end of the week, I'm 15lbs lighter than I was!

Looking for five for the coming week!
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Bob Loblaw
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Postby TonyR » July 1st, 2006, 12:02 pm

Excellent job!! :kool: It is so fun to see the weight just melt off!!! It can be hard if you are a scale junkie like me to not see much in a day (hence the reason why wifie and I are now going to only weigh once a week), but nevertheless you will get to goal soon!! Hope you stay positive through this journey! 8)
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Postby SharonR » July 1st, 2006, 2:12 pm

WOW!! My mouth dropped open when I read that! INCREDIBLE! Keep up the great work!
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Start Weight 326.7 ~ My short term goal will put me at 250!

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Postby dede4wd » July 2nd, 2006, 7:46 pm

Way to go! 15lbs is one heckuva start! Besides, only 1/2 of it is water weight! You dunn good! I'm thrilled for you! Keep it up!

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Postby Unca_Tim » July 2nd, 2006, 9:36 pm

Great job Bob,
Pick up 15 pounds and pack it around for the day.
Don't matter what it is, it's still 15 lbs....:)
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Postby wildtrk » July 3rd, 2006, 6:48 am

To use sports terminology "scoreboard" or should I ammend that to say "scaleboard" It's all about the digits and what they read! As long as you don't become delusional and think that will happen every week.

Great job!
MF Start Date 4/14/06
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20# - 5/04 50# - 6/18 80# - 8/31
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Postby TonyR » July 13th, 2006, 8:21 pm

WHAT ABOUT BOB???? :( Where did Bob go?? Hopefully he is ok!
Start 5/1/06
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Postby Bob Loblaw » July 14th, 2006, 11:46 pm

Sorry... been a while since I posted.

Feeling fine, no setbacks @ all. I haven't weighed in a couple of weeks. I'm sure I'm down a fair amount more but see no real reason to weigh right now. A couple of notches down on the belt and my energy level is greatly improved.
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Postby Arklahoma » July 15th, 2006, 6:21 am

Can't wait to read your next update!!!
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Postby Bob Loblaw » July 16th, 2006, 3:20 pm

Alrighty then... decided what the heck, I might as well weigh in.

I'm @ 285, which is an even 25 down in three weeks..

I have become addicted to cookies! (oatmeal cookies that is)
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Bob Loblaw
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Postby Rachel » July 16th, 2006, 3:41 pm

I am so revved up by your story! Thanks for keeping us updated. I totally agree with you Bob when you said you feel so much better!! I wince when I think about the way I used to feel. I always needed a nap and always felt uncomfortable and sluggish and FULL! I always overate and had huge portions. I hate that feeling.

Now I am going all day long, I'm ready to go out anywhere and feel very energized! Sounds like you are feeling this way too! ISN'T LIFE GREAT!? Please keep us updated!

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Postby Arklahoma » July 17th, 2006, 3:00 am

Great Update ~ You're doing fantastic!!!
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Postby Bob Loblaw » July 27th, 2006, 2:58 pm

Down another 5 since my last weigh in.. now down a solid 30lbs in just a few days over a month.

I am so "in the zone" with this eating program. I'l pretty much in a solid groove of a daily routine like this:


Not becoming the least bit boring... I LOVE Caesar dressing and found one that tastes great and as far as I can tell, quite within the rules. (Johnnys Lite Caesar) Also, Maple & Brn Sugar Oatmeal cookies rock!
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Postby SharonR » July 27th, 2006, 3:10 pm

Your doing so great! I love to come here and see your progress, thanks for sharing! :mrgreen:

btw when I make those cookies they get all rubbery...any sercrets?
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

Start Weight 326.7 ~ My short term goal will put me at 250!

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Postby Bob Loblaw » July 27th, 2006, 9:41 pm

SharonR wrote:Your doing so great! I love to come here and see your progress, thanks for sharing! :mrgreen:

btw when I make those cookies they get all rubbery...any sercrets?


On the cookie front, not really mine are a tad rubbery as well. I'm used to them. I use 5 packs at a time and make 10 medium/large cookies, two to a meal. I stopped measuring ingredients a while back. I use a dash of cinnamon, a couple dashes of Splenda, a splash of vanilla extract and some baking powder.

Shucks.. I just reazed that I'm 1/3 of the way to goal weight!
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