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Postby TamiL » February 28th, 2004, 5:36 pm

Hey everyone...I had to confess to myself and to you all that I BLEW THIS BIGTIME TODAY...still not sure why...other than its just before Aunt Flo time..and just about every month a week or so before I start her...I want t eat everything under the sun....well..I worked an overtime shift today till 6pm...and it was a very hard day to say the least. I came home from work...made a lean/green meal and didnt stop there....NOOOOOOO..I wanted something "sweet"...so what did I reach for? the only thing I had in my apartment with SUGAR...the Medifast Bars..and I didnt stop at just one..or two..or three..or four..I ate the whole box :x just ripped thru them like mad person...tossing wrapper after wrapper...eating mindlessly...inhaling them...just like my OLD BINGE days...now I feel just horrible. I am sick over this. I thought I had Licked the "binge" habit...its been 26 days...and I was just about to trick my body into "I can do this..so dont wait for extra calories"...and I BLEW IT!! IM soooo mad at myself. I had plans to go out tonite..but now I just dont want to go anywhere...I feel sick.

Normally...I would keep going on a binge...not stop..run to the store...get more food..more more more..but I came here instead...and now I have to realize that I need to start new tommorrow...not go backwards but forwards. I was doing soooo good!! I ate so many bars..plus i had 3 shakes earlier today and a Meal..so I may have eaten 3500 calories today...I guess the lesson in this is that I have to wake up tommorrow and start a new..instead of beating myself up over this..and going backwards...I have to go forwards. I didnt think. I just ate..and ate...now sitting here typing..I was stuffing and stuffing all the stress of the day down instead of thinking of it...plus aunt flo around the corner didnt help much. :cry:

anyhoo...I confessed. now I have to forgive and let it go. thanks for listening/reading. tommorrow is a new day.

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Postby Indigo » February 28th, 2004, 5:45 pm

OK, so it happened. It's done. It's in the past. The best thing you can do is learn from it.
Journal it out. Think back through EXACTLY what was going through your mind when it started, and use all this anguish energy to really work through what happened, HOW it happened, and what you're going to do next time that situation comes up (and it will) . . . . and grow stronger from it.
We love you Tami. :hug: I'm so glad you're still with us and writing on the forum. We're here for you.
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Postby Unca_Tim » February 28th, 2004, 10:19 pm

Tami needs a visit!!!

Unfortunately we're all human Tami. Dust yourself off and climb back on. At least you stuffed yourself with healthy food.

We'll let it go this time, but next time i'm sending Guido over.

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Postby TamiL » February 29th, 2004, 6:27 am

Thanks Laurie,,,and Unca Tim
I definatley needed a kick in the butt from Guido last night :x

But today is a new day...yesterday is gone, along with the mistake!
dusting myself off...and starting over. ;)
thanks for the words...I couldnt do this without you all.


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Postby shineface » February 29th, 2004, 7:25 am

Tami - Tami - TAMI !!!!!!!!!! :rose:

It's OVER... I think it was real growth to identify the "event" and come here to talk about it. :snooze: get some rest and try to relax - your schedule is grueling and that is another thing that brings up old habits - why do you think they call it FATigue?

You are awesome and we all fall - sit up, start shakin' & slurpin' and keep postin'!!!!!!!!!!!! :toast:

Remember HOW MUCH YOU WANT THIS - :yes: - NOT THE WAY YOU FELT LAST NIGHT!!!!!!!!! :bricks:

Deep breath, smile and GO ON!!!! :D

WE WILL do this together!!!!!!! :stroll:
Pam -"I AM the ME in MEdifast"
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Postby ErikaEastwood » February 29th, 2004, 9:32 pm

You just hang in there and take all this good advice from the others. Maybe it didnt affect your weight all that much and you can just go on from there. You know what I do when I feel pressure, I pray to Jesus, call on his name, and that lifts the temptation off me.
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Back on Track?

Postby shineface » March 2nd, 2004, 6:33 am

Hi Tami--

Just checkin' in ... I didn't see any posts from you yesterday and although I know you are sometimes on a 24 hour shift at work --- I just thought I'd check. You know a day without posts from Tami is a like a day without shakin'!!! :tongue:

I know you were feeling pretty tough after your binge BUT I hope you're feeling better about that and have forgiven yourself! :angel:

I just wanted to let you know I was thinkin' about you and hope all is A-OK at the train station to Thinsville. You are an important part of this forum --- if you need anything just give a POST!!!! :puter:

WE WILL do this together!!! :stroll:
Pam -"I AM the ME in MEdifast"
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Postby TamiL » March 2nd, 2004, 12:02 pm

Hi Pam..and thanks for your post!! its nice to know when your are thought of!! :D

Im doing okay...its been a few days since the "binge" and my stomach is finally getting back to normal!! I felt sooooo bloated and just awful after that!! Tommorrow, the 3rd, will be one month for me on the program...so one slip up for me is not going to get me off track!! ;)

I bounced right back..of course with the help of all of you!! I couldnt do this without all of you....you are all a great inspiration!!

I started walking yesterday...only 25 minutes, but my SHINS are killing me!! I plan on walking a few times a week to start...Excercise for me..just pulls everything up and in..and helps with my complection and stress levels!!

Everyone sounds as if they are doing really good..going strong. we are all on our way to thinville...I may have slipped up once..but thats all it took for me to realize that NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS LOOSING WEIGHT FEELS!! :-P

Keep shakin all my forum friends :lol:


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Postby shineface » March 2nd, 2004, 12:23 pm

Good for you Tami!!!!

I am so happy to hear what you have to say and know how you are doing --- you are doing it right!!!! We all struggle - it's the getting back on board that's the Key to success!!!

WE WILL do this together!!!! :stroll:
Pam -"I AM the ME in MEdifast"
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