I'm right with you Carrie. I'm only in my 3rd week of the program, and while I haven't gained, I've been worried 'cause this week I'm only down .5 to 1 pound so far, and I only have 1 more day till weigh in. The only reason this is bothering me so much is 'cause I'm still fairly new into the program, so didn't expect any scale stalling this early. I've read enough on hear to know how plateus' can happen, and I also expected to lose more the 1st week, but my 2nd week was 4.5 so I was at least hoping to keep losing 3 or 4 a week. It has me scared that I could be experiencing a dreaded "plateau" so early on in the MF program! Makes me think "what if I keep doing this and nothing else comes off..."
I know it's crazy, and I know everyone's body is different. I've been 100% faithful to the program, with no cheats, and that's how I'm gonna stay, but I have to admit to being discouraged right now. I'm hoping I'm having some very early pre aunt flo visit stuff going on that will pass. (But Aunt Flo's really not due till week after next... ) Oh well, I'm gonna keep chugging along (literally and figuratively!

I think I might follow that advice about hiding my scale also... In my case I'd have to hide it for 2 weeks, but I've been weighing in daily, and while that's great when losing, I'm finding it too discouraging when I'm not.