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Postby Diana » April 5th, 2006, 7:45 pm

Hi, Carmel!! And congrats on your decision!!!

There are a few places in the park to get something close to what's compliant, but your son's advice to go to a restaurant afterward is probably the best and healthiest choice. They've got a lot of cool restaurants in that area now, including one right there to the left of the entrance to the park.

In the event you and your son would like some help choosing a restaurant, try opentable (dot) com and search for a restaurant in SF's Financial district. (I used to work down there before they built the park.)

For a goody at the park, how about a chocolate, hot cocoa or french vanilla shake with you, get some decaf and have a "latte." Or ask any of the vendors that sell hot cocoa or hot apple cider for some hot water for a capacino (sp?), chai latte or hot cocoa. (Of course, there's always a pickle or two, some SF jello or celery...a veritable picnic!)

ENJOY!!! And happy birthday!!
Here's to our mutual success! :buddies: --Diana
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Postby mellowmom » April 6th, 2006, 12:39 am

I'm all packed and ready to go today to the game. I'm bringing a couple of RTD's, some pickles, a peanut butter crunch bar, a packet of cream of broccoli soup and 4-16oz. bottles of water.

We're taking the train and leaving San Jose around 10:00 AM. I'm so excited. The weather is actually supposed to be pleasant. The only day this week when it will supposedly NOT rain!! We're all so waterlogged here in Northern California...I don't know if I'll recognize that bright yellow orb in the sky.

Yes, my son, Joe is a terrific person. I have a total of four sons and I've been extremely blessed with having all four of them turn out to become real gentlemen , caring, empathetic and genuinely nice guys. Their dad, my husband, passed away 15 years ago, after a very long illness, when they were all quite young. I don't know if I could have held it all together without their help and support. They just all seemed to grow up emotionally much faster than their actual years. I think going through the trauma of losing a parent at an early age will do that for you.

Sorry...didn't mean to get all maudlin there...

Gotta ro get some rest. It's already tomorrow!

Play Ball and Go Giants!!


P.S. Thanks again for all your support and good vibes. I know I can do this...One day at a time...Right?
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Postby Arklahoma » April 6th, 2006, 4:35 am

mellowmom, just wanted to say ...

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Postby falisamarie » April 6th, 2006, 5:54 am


I will be thinking happy thoughts for you all day! Enjoy your special day and have fun at the game

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Postby DogMa » April 6th, 2006, 9:09 am

Happy birthday!!! Be sure to let us know how you did when you get back. Go, Giants!

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Not the best of days....

Postby mellowmom » April 6th, 2006, 9:33 pm


'Tho not exactly for the reasons you may think...

The morning started off fine. Then the news came that there had been a pedestrian hit by the local commute train. Then the phone call came from my youngest son, Tony. He was on the train that hit the person. Turned out it was a suicide. The poor soul just stepped in front of the train. Tony was pretty upset. Caltrain would be tied up for several hours.

My oldest son, Joe and I had planned on taking the train up to the ballgame. After hearing about the accident, we thought about driving up instead, but then decided to take the train. The game didn't start until 1:35PM so we reasoned that even with the earlier delay we would make it in time. We were taking the 10:40AM train.

Bad decision.... :bricks:
As our train was rolling towards The City around noon, just past Redwood City, the train made a sickening thump and then screeched to an agonizingly slow halt. It was unbelievable but the train we were on also hit and killed a person who stepped in front of the train!

It was horrible. Not as horrible as was for the families of the man who was hit, but it left me in such a sad, helpless state. The whole day became a downer. I kept thinking back to those two poor souls and wondering how bad must it have been for them to choose suicide as the only solution.

So you see.. this has not exactly been my best birthday ever.... :(

Now on to the mundane....

I stayed totally compliant before and during the game. My waterloo was the "birthday dinner" that my son planned. It was at the House of Genji, a Teppan style japanese restaurant. I honestly didn't think it would be a problem and thought I did pretty well while there. No rice, no salad dressing, no dessert, just steak, seafood and veggies (mushrooms, zucchini and onions).

Bad part though, was that they used a lot of butter and oil preparing the food. I didn't think it was too bad...but my tummy begs to differ. :uhuh:

Oh my gawd...I think I've spent two of the last three hours with the galloping crud!!!! Don't feel at all good. I'm still supposed to have one more meal, but frankly I think if I do I'll upchuck. Only good thing is that I definitely learned my lesson and WON't be doing that again!!! :uhuh:

I'll be jumping back in the saddle tomorrow. For the rest of this evening I think I'm going to curl up in the fetal position and hope for tomorrow to come quickly . :eyecrazy:

Once again, thank you for all your great advice and support. I don't think i would have done as well as I did, it it weren't for you terrific folks.

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Postby DogMa » April 6th, 2006, 11:18 pm

Wow. Well, congrats on staying compliant. At least you know your NEXT birthday is bound to be better, right?

That's horrible about the train, though. Two people in one day? Wow.

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Postby falisamarie » April 7th, 2006, 5:50 am

MM- I am so sorry you had to go through that on your special day!

You did great on doing the very best you could to stay compliant and I am impressed. I hope that you are feeling better this morning please let us know.

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Postby Pashta » April 7th, 2006, 7:59 am

Wow that is pretty horrible. I am so sorry you had to experience that. :(

As for your birthday dinner, you know asian restaurants are *extremely* helpful, all you had to do was just ask them to not use oil in the preparation. (I did at a chinese buffet and no problems whatsoever.)
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Postby MusicalMomma » April 7th, 2006, 8:13 am

Oh MM!!! I am so sorry :( You're next birthday HAS to be better!!!!! You did great on the plan and given the circumstances you should be even MORE proud of yourself!!!!!
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Postby RoleModel_Mom » April 7th, 2006, 9:20 am

Hi MM,

I am sorry to hear about your experiences on your birthday. I feel sorry for those two people who opted the worse!

Good job on sticking to the plan to the most extent. But just next will be at your goal weight and it will turn out to be the best birthday ever.

It was nice reading about your children. I hope I could raise my little ones into noble adults like yours.

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Postby Linda » April 7th, 2006, 9:38 am

Carmel, with all the snags and roadblocks you faced, you STILL stayed compliant. If you can face all that on your birthday and still make it through, I'd say you are a sure success. Just think, you COULD have used all that as an excuse to indulge in food, but you didn't. As far as the restaurant meal...that is just a learning experience, the important thing is that you did the best you could and learned how to improve it the next time. So sorry about the stomach problems. Hopefully today is brighter.

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Postby Dayna » April 7th, 2006, 11:04 am

Hmm, I think perhaps you and your sons should declare yesterday's birthday null and void and declare a new birthday (just for this year) on, say, next Friday. Grab them and go out for a birthday dinner that won't make you sick. :mrgreen:

What a day you had. You should be proud of how well you stayed on track when surrounded by all those temptations, and after the emotional stresses you experienced.

Here's hoping that today is a much, much better day!

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Postby mellowmom » April 7th, 2006, 7:00 pm

Thank you all for your kind words.
I am feelling better today, but still not 100% :|

Forgot to mention that at the ballgame, my sons got together and had Birthday wishes posted to me on the scoreboard at AT & T Park. It was between the 4th and 5th innings. Totally took me by surprise. I was able to take a pic with my cellphone....if I can figure out how to post it, I will. It was something I'll never forget.

All in all, it was a good day...I only gained 1/2 pound and I'm not even going to worry about it, because I learned a good lesson and am looking forward to getting back on the straight and narrow.

Take care, you all

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Postby Diana » April 7th, 2006, 7:46 pm

Go get 'em, Carmel!!

[free pass] <-- That's for your do-over!
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