bikipatra wrote:I walked to my new doctor today and it was about a ten block walk. I was wearing athletically sound shoes. But my lower back really started to ache. I am so out of shape. When I belonged to a gym, about a year ago, they had yoga classes all the time. I never participated because I didn't want to be the BIG GIRL with all the thin women in snug yoga pants. I was noticing that there are a few yoga shows on TV though. I might work out in private for a while once I start.
Don't let insecurity get the better of you! I know I have more respect for someone trying to make themselves healthy than I do for tiny girls in tank tops. I have an awesome yoga instructor I am going to be working with once I'm to my three week mark, and she's the antithesis of the way we think about tiny yoga instructors: she's caring, kind, professional, and, best of all, she wants me to listen to my body. I just don't think you should worry about what other people think about you, the fact that you're doing something should be the biggest upper of all!