Bikers and Medifast

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Bikers and Medifast

Postby Lisa in NY » April 30th, 2006, 1:54 pm

Well, now I can say I've been through ALL situations with my Medifast. Just got back from a charity motorcycle run with my husband - we started at 10:30 this morning and it is now 5:00 PM. We rode about 70 miles altogether with about 100 other bikers. Since it's an absolutely GORGEOUS day here in New York, it was a perfect day for this!

I had my oatmeal before I left, brought my shaker jar with a shake packet and a Fruit n Nut bar. Had a shake at the first stop while everyone else had ice cream and other junk. Had my bar and a cup of coffee at the last stop while everyone else was eating this spaghetti that didn't look like spaghetti, and cupcakes. I honestly think I enjoyed my Fruit n Nut bar more than the people who ate the spaghetti !

Anyway, I worried a little this morning about whether I'd get through the run without having something off-program, but here I am once again proudly proclaiming that Medifast CAN BE DONE in ANY situation!

Have a wonderful day! :lol:
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Postby lifelovinaries » April 30th, 2006, 2:15 pm

Wow!! Well first I would like to say great job on sticking to plan. Then I would like to say "70 miles on a bike"? My butt hurts just thinking about it!! People like you are truly my motivation :cheerleader:

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Postby MusicalMomma » April 30th, 2006, 3:09 pm

Way to go Lisa!!!! You did GREAT!!! Thanks for sharing and inspiring me :)
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Postby ChiNut » April 30th, 2006, 5:37 pm

You should be so proud of yourself Lisa for sticking to it like that. :mrgreen: Makes me realize I have no excuse for myself not to stick to it as well as you. :yourock:
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Postby Serendipity » April 30th, 2006, 6:31 pm

Lisa, Great job! It is easy, isn't it?

When my husband and I were on a short trip last week, it was such a drag having to go out to find him some breakfast and stop shopping so he could eat lunch! Medifast was so much easier, lol.
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Postby dede4wd » April 30th, 2006, 7:18 pm

Sometimes, I think I'm BETTER OFF! My pals have no idea what they're going to get when they order out and whether or not they're going to like it. I have no problem having a shake or a bar while they eat whatever junk they have. I had a bar 30ft up in the air today...I can do MF ANYWHERE!

You did great! May I humbly suggest getting some Ready-to-drink shakes, they're so easy and can fit right inside a saddlebag or what not! Way to go! Bike trip doesn't have to be a cheat trip! Way to go!

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Postby Serendipity » April 30th, 2006, 7:21 pm

ok, dede, I'll bite. What were you doing 30 ft. in the air? lol
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