A BIG Thank you!

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A BIG Thank you!

Postby mmob » January 23rd, 2006, 12:18 pm

To my health advisor!! LOL - I signed up last week - got a call but I was still in Florida - so I missed it - sent an email and had not heard back yet -(however my isp is NOT the best! so things do get lost on occassion - so it doesn't mean she didn't reply!) ---- anyway - I was askng about chili earlier.

Got the mail - she SENT me two pkgs to try!!! THANKS so MUCH!!! I am quite sure I will be ordering more - since I LOVE chili!!!


Started MF 1/23/06 at 204.5lbs

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Postby falisamarie » January 23rd, 2006, 12:52 pm


You will surely enjoy the chili but be sure to check out the lean cuisine forum for some tips on preparing it

Enjoy your chili

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