Day 2, Part Dos. More talky talky. I expect to tone this down soon heh!
Despite having back an extreme slug for many months, I may have to get on my new treadmill to burn off some energy here.
I got the treadmill from a friend in October. I trucked it all the way back from Maryland up to Mass and lodged it in my bedroom. I broke it in a couple times with some very wimpy walking for mere minutes, but noticed that my legs and lungs were in shock at the effort I was forcing them into.
In the following couple months, it has served very well as a great place to dry tights
I had it in mind when I got it to veeeery slowly go about doing to the Couch to 5K program. The last time I could honestly run was about 1993. I ran to catch a bus last year and I was told by my watching aunt that it was an awesome sight to behold. I'm guessing more like in the fear-inducing sense of the word hehehe!
Also on my list of to-do is write up a stack of thank-you notes for my stash of Christmas goodness. And do some grocery shopping, not that that consists of much now: coffee, coffee creamer, dish soap, kitty food. Maybe an inspirational copy of the new People magazine, which just in time for New Years, is featuring people who have lost half their body weight. I wonder if there are some Medifasters in that group!
Bikipatra: Thanks for the welcome back! Me and my blazing roots thank you
DeDe: Heya! Good to see you back too! You were smarter than me to come back when you only wandered off the trail briefly
I came back only after adding back my loss plus a pack horse
Ct. Yankee: Joan, hello my fellow New Englander!
LadyT: Another Mass nut! Awesome! Yes, I am reading this board heavily now. I feel kind of like an addict clutching the Big Book tightly in their sweaty hands
More than kind of, really. I am hyped up now but I know that if I look just a bit deeper there are some collected trolls under my bridge just waiting to reappear. As long as they stay hidden until I get my feet under me, I think I will be in a better position to deal with them. Especially once the magic of ketosis kicks in
Stay strong! We are almost out of the holiday woods, thank God!
FertileM: Andrea, ah yes, the stories I could tell about Failed Diets! I'm sure any ensuing book could rival the saga of War & Peace heh!
Karli: Thank you!
Enjoy! If anyone else can get anything out of me blabbing, that's great! I was never one for long-lived diaries before... I found my writing too self-conscious and embarassing, and had this complex of looking at it as a reviewer, running a critique of "Who cares about your little problems or insights?" I guess I have some pretty hardcore negativity lurking in my mind
But I am going to make it cranky and roll its eyes while I continue rambling here.
The reasons I got myself into this mess are not immediately clear to me, and I'm not sure I want to dig them up. I've used food to cope with stress ever since I was a teen. If I wasn't obliterating my sense of anxiety with high carbs and fat, I was obsessing over my diet du jour.
I used to be able to eyeball foods and estimate their Weight Watchers Points value immediately after years on it... I still have my reference books and weigh-in booklet tucked away. But I remember being very hungry on WW and trying to squeeze in unhealthy foods under the excuse of I still had daily Points left. I found myself more focused on what I could eat or should eat than ever.
With Medifast, once ketosis starts, I really don't think about food that much because it's very strict. Of course, if I did it perfectly in the past, I would not be restarting, so I admit I have issues with restriction
I have used food so intensely as a stand-in for other things in my life that when it is removed, I get a bit fearful. Oh no, you mean I have to develop a HEALTHY relationship with food!?
And when under stress in the past, it would be the very first thing that would pop into my head as a cure. If I was having a stressed-out day at work, which is often, in the late afternoon, I would begin plotting what take-out I'd get, or what grocery store I'd lay into to get my fix.
It has crept up on me to become very central to my life, and when faced with nights without a full table of food to eat and wine to drink, it was like looking into a dark hole of emptiness. Scary stuff, though on the surface, kind of silly!
How did I so hooked on living this way? How did I find myself the night before a diet frantically eating all the "bad" food in the fridge so as not have to "waste" it by throwing it out? I have a real complex about throwing away edible food. I had an interesting childhood of being taught to eat every single bit on my plate so maybe that's mixing in
I know that I have sprayed many leftovers with window cleaner before putting them in the trash
Of course because pizza that is on top of papers or empty cartons is perfectly good to eat, ya know!
Maybe in a past life, I was an alley cat?