Bell's Palsy -- A blessing in disguise?

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Bell's Palsy -- A blessing in disguise?

Postby BerkshireGrl » April 23rd, 2006, 10:51 am

Hey everyone! :)

Well, I have had a mighty odd week! On April 17th, the day after Easter, in the morning at breakfast, I began to have a strange problem with my tongue feeling numb... foods started to taste "off" by dinner... Tuesday morning as I was getting ready for work, I noticed that the right side of my mouth was also now numb, and that I could not smile evenly, or hold water in my mouth to swish out the toothpaste.

I examined myself in the bathroom mirror and saw that the right side of my face was definitely less mobile. I started to freak out... but then reasoned that at age 34, I was a bit young for a stroke ;)

I called out of work and got myself to a doc ASAP, and they took some blood to test for Lyme Disease, but were 99% sure it was Bell's Palsy. I was put on steroids, an antibiotic and an antiviral medicine. (Lyme Disease has been ruled out now, phew!)

Thankfully, and I really really am, I am not as bad off as some poor people who get this. It is not super obvious, unless I smile or laugh, but I talk out of the left side of my mouth and find regular eating a chore. Drinking from a cup is hard and I have found bendy straws to be my new accessory ;) Some people get it so bad it looks like one side of their face is melting off: their eye droops, they drool, they cannot close their mouth. So I consider myself very lucky.

It is not permanent for the big majority -- recovery usually begins in 2 weeks and most (80% plus) have full recovery in 3 months or less.

It is usually caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox and shingles -- both of which I've had. Luckily, I only have the paralysis of the "7th cranial nerve" without the shingles outbreak along it.

If any of you all have ever had shingles, you know how awful it is. I cannot imagine having it down one side of my face and near my eye! Yikes! I was lucky enough when I did have shingles to only have it 10 days. I not only took the drugs my doc gave me but I also took some "natural" remedies too, which I am doing again now: flax seed oil, chlorophyll, Ester-C tablets (mega-dosing on Vitamin C, 5 grams a day).

I do have to tape my right eye shut at night because it is stuck open on its own. I put drops in it during the day to keep it nice and healthy... no problems so far except a bit of blurry vision when it gets dry, but I'm doing ok. Still able to work and all...

So... I have been doing mundo research on BP and found it is very often associated with being under high stress, which I have been. My job is a constant thorn in my side, and the day I was diagnosed with this, I began to search the want-ads for jobs.

And I found a super-sounding one, right in the Berkshires, for Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival -- as a Marketing Associate-Graphic Designer! And I applied that night! And they responded the next day! WhoooooOOOO!

I sent in a portfolio sample of my graphic design work on CD yesterday... and fingers crossed... I will get an interview soon! Plus I am fortunate enough to have a big client of mine at my current job be a big cheese on the Board at the new company! What a stroke of luck eh!? And she is ready to speak on my behalf and happy to do it! Sounding better and better eh? :D

I am a bit worried about my current appearance being a strike against me, with the palsy, but I am determined to have a positive outlook, and I will just be as charming and professional as I am normally ;)

I'm pulling for it... I really REALLY want to get a new job in a more enjoyable atmosphere with more fun challenges and passionate people, and I love the sound of working for a non-profit dance company! They've been around since 1932, and are quite the draw here in the Berkshires. They have all kinds of great dance companies come in from all over the world and perform... I am hoping if I get hired, that they have a big employee discount for shows ;) (I bet they do too!)

Now... onto the blessing in disguise part... With half of my tongue numb, foods taste very strange. All I can taste is sugar and salt, no nuances whatsoever. Plus, like I said, the chewing is tough to do without gnawing on my incapacitated lip ;)

Enter in... Medifast RTD Shakes and LOTS OF 'EM! Good for ya and super easy to drink with their little expandable straws and pre-mixed perfection! :lol:

The temptation to eat anything Off-Plan is dramatically reduced :) It's kind of like, why bother?! Can't taste it anyway! And it's not good for body healing, ya know?

So... I am on my way to a healthier body... and I am praying that I will soon be in a new, fresh job after almost exactly 7 years of punching the clock at my current one, and hitting the ceiling. :)

Just wanted to keep you all updated -- I'm not gone, I'm just recuperating and trying to spend less time on the PC these days :)

Hope you all are doing great -- and I'll see you off and on here! :lol:
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Postby falisamarie » April 23rd, 2006, 12:00 pm

I read your post and was absolutely amazed. You have so much going on that most would complain and whine about but your positive attitude is amazing! You have really inspired me today! Thanks for the great post

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Postby DogMa » April 23rd, 2006, 12:34 pm

Ditto. And good luck with the job! Keep us posted. (And don't worry about your appearance. Your attitude far outshines the physical.)

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Postby Arklahoma » April 23rd, 2006, 2:41 pm


Thanks for posting b/c I was thinking about you and wondering where you were. I know of two people who have had Bell's Palsy and they both recovered very well so I suspect that you will do the same. Crossing my fingers for you that you get the job that you want. Life is too short to be unhappy at work!

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Postby WillDoIt » April 23rd, 2006, 8:18 pm

I had been wondering how you were doing. I have spent a lot of time reading old threads, and have always enjoyed your posts. Best of luck with your recovery. I'm having a health scare myself right now, and it really puts life in perspective.
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Postby Lizabette » April 23rd, 2006, 8:49 pm


I don't understand what you are going through with BP, but I know the One who is going through it with you!


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Postby Allison Onederland » April 23rd, 2006, 9:35 pm

My gosh! You have been through so much but you are still so upbeat and optimistic!

I have a small inkling of what you are going through. Last year I had to have injections in the side of my face to deaded a nerve (5th cranial nerve). The side effects were much like the symptoms you are having only they just lasted a day each time I had it done. Face drooped, couldn't close my eye, couldn't chew, had to drink thru a straw, no taste, etc. I was miserable and grouchy. And here you are dealing with it every day and keeping such a great attitude. I gotta tell've been added to my list of Medifast heros!! :bow:

The new job prospect sounds like the perfect thing for you. I don't think it is coincidence that it happened along at this very moment in your life. I think that job was meant to be yours. Don't worry about your appearance. Your positive attitude, great personality and professionalism will get you that job. :D

Good luck to you and I hope you are better soon! :hug:
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Postby dede4wd » April 24th, 2006, 8:41 am


One of my friends was just diagnosed with BP, so I did a bunch of reading about it 1 month ago. You'll get through this with flying colors!

I wouldn't worry about your appearance during the job interview...just reading the post, even I can tell how pumped you are! It sounds like a door just opened for you...that's awesome! Keep us informed!

Do they have you on a steroid for the BP?

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Postby sidrah » April 24th, 2006, 9:18 pm

I'm glad you caught it early and were smart to not only get yourself to the doctor, but to research on your own. Your attitude and ability will get you any job you want! :D
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Postby Nicki » April 25th, 2006, 1:45 pm

Sarah - Boy, what a great attitude you've got. Way to look on the bright side! Many well wishes as you recover and fingers crossed for that great sounding job!
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Re: Bell's Palsy -- A blessing in disguise?

Postby 1Angel » April 25th, 2006, 11:12 pm

Wow, what an ordeal, my friend!!!

You are such an inspiration to all of us!!! Let me know how the new job is coming along!?! I'm rooting for you! :cleader:

Sarah, I've fallen off the wagon big time and am feeling so sick ... I've eaten all the choclolate I had not eaten during Easter ...

But I am jumping right back on the wagon starting now ... 11:00 P.M. Tuesday night!.

I also need to get back to my exercise routine. I've been very lazy lately. When I stepped on the scale this morning I almost fell off of it ... it was reading 236 ... I couldn't believe my eyes ... I am bloating ... I feel so sick ... but I am not changing my ticker sign ... I'll see how long it will take me to get back to what I was weighing before (228) ... we'll see ...

Please, keep me in your prayers ... You'll be in mine day and night! :angel: Take care!!!

Love you! :heart:
{{{hugs}}} :hug:
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Postby Lizabette » April 26th, 2006, 5:30 pm

ANGELICA, This is for you, baby, Hope you are doing okay today.Image


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Postby 1Angel » April 26th, 2006, 10:23 pm

Dear Lizabette!

You are so sweet! Who needs chocolate having you around, hah! :stroll:

Thank you for your loving thoughts and prayers! I feel them close to my heart and I have good news ... your prayers are working ... This morning I stepped on the scale and my body have already released 2 pounds ... I was at 234 this morning!

Keep praying for me, the temptations are everywhere ...

But tell me, how are you doing my friend!?! Hopefully better than I was a few days ago ... :hug: I love you! :heart:

May God Bless you always!!!:angel:

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Postby Lizabette » April 27th, 2006, 7:09 am

Such good news, ANGELICA! You are doing great!

Thanks for asking about me. My annual physical is a little later today, and I should have results on the bloodwork taken yesterday.
I believe I will have some good things to report later today. :coach:

ANGELICA, as long as we live, temptations will be all around us.:twisted: But with God's help, we do not have to give in to them...because of the strength that He gives us!

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