Hi there,
I'm not a Dr. so please consider my reply as only an opinion. I've had clients get the rash... but it happened right away.. the first week or two and then went away. They had it on their face and neck. It was related to the increase in protein. One was an Rn and recognized it as a rash.. lots of small red spots and itchy.
You know Eliazbeth, I'd vote for bites for you. I remember once we were gone for about 4 weeks. Our two cats were with a cat sitter. When we came home and went in the house we were devoured by fleas!! Lots and lots of bites from the knees down. That's as high as they could jump.. and were they ever hungry!!

We had the house bug bombed and the problem went away. I'm having an itchy problem right now too... but it has nothing to do with the "rash" or bug bites... just a problem in the ole system -- anyway I sure can "feel" for you

My Dr tells me humans would rather have pain than itch. That's why we scratch and scratch ourselves raw

I'm sure we'll both be much better soon.