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Postby Jane » January 19th, 2004, 4:29 pm

I am anxiously waiting for my first shipment. We had an address problem and it was delayed. :(

I am determined to lose my weight (110Lbs of extra FAT). Any suggestions for handling my first couple of weeks would be appreciated!

What will I be experiencing?

Is there any 'average' weight loss figures? I don't know what to expect. I have decided to do the 55 shake only route because I am thinking that not having to eat any real food should help me stick to the program.

My daughter is getting married in July in Honduras and we are all going to be traveling down to a tropical paradice! Or another world for Hell for a fat person!!! Bathing suits? :shock:

I am hoping that I can have weight lost and be feeling better about myself by that time.
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Postby finalstraw » January 19th, 2004, 4:56 pm


I could not wait to get my first shipment, then when I arrived all those bad creepies came from the back of my mind and said 'your not going to eat' 'are you crazy'.

I am finishing day 2, I really have not been hungry, the only problem I have had was watching TV and one food commercial after another. Today I actually had to look away. Notice they only use thin, beautiful people to sell us fattening food.

I enjoy the shakes and enjoy learning from all the post. I haven't had any problems yet.

Good luck,

Steph :D

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Hello and Welcome!

Postby female1978 » January 19th, 2004, 6:17 pm

I started on 1/10/04. I've found that I crave salt. All the time!! Well, I craved salt before the diet but even more so now. Several people on the board drink bouillion. I've read on the board that the max. bouillion intake is 2 cups per day. I can't bring myself to venture into a supermarket quite yet, however, if you get those salt cravings, bouillion is the way to go :D

Congrats on starting the diet and making a lifestyle change. I totally understand how uncomfortable traveling while overweight can be. If you stay true to the program, you definitely have a significant weight lost by summer. :!:

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Postby Unca_Tim » January 19th, 2004, 8:44 pm

Hi Jane,
We're pleased to have you on the forum.

Just reading your post and doing a little figuring. If you only lost 3 pounds a week which is a VERY modest estimate on this plan, lets see.....let's just take feb-june, that's 5 months or 20 weeks. That's 60 pounds on the conservative side that you could be leaving home, instead of packing it along to the tropics with you....:)

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Salt Craving

Postby Nancy » January 19th, 2004, 11:08 pm

Hi ya, Female 1978 (Ah, that was a very good year!)

So, ya got the hongries for salt, eh?

Here ya go: dip dampened celery into salt and munch away! You may have three stalks of celery a day.

I love to add Mrs. Dash to my Creamy Soups. Since we have heart disease in my family, I avoid excess salt and go for hot n' spicy rather than salty but you may have all kinds of seasonings, salt is not excluded on the Medifast plans.
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Postby female1978 » January 20th, 2004, 12:53 pm

Thanks Nancy. I'll try the celery BUT I have braces and I am unsure about the affect of chewing a stalk of celery- especially when I have my braces tightened- moving my jaw for the first couple of days is quite uncomfortable. If all else fails, I may just end up eating a packet of salt.

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Postby Unca_Tim » January 20th, 2004, 1:20 pm

Hi Female,
3 words for you...boullion, boullion, boullion....:)
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Postby Jeanette » January 20th, 2004, 1:57 pm

YES YES YES!! Boullion will help with that salt craving!
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Postby finalstraw » January 20th, 2004, 2:00 pm

Is there a huge difference in a cup a bullion and a cup of chicken broth from a can?

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Postby ror » January 20th, 2004, 2:19 pm


I too am a salt FREAK!!! I love the stuff. :shock: I have found that the beef bullion totally helps me out in those times of need. good luck
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Postby susan » January 20th, 2004, 3:28 pm


welcome to the family, you can do this it is easy after the first 3 days. and you can do anything for 3 days .drink the bouillion it really is good and it helps so much. again welcome to the forum/
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...and speaking of bullion....

Postby SneezyKitten » January 21st, 2004, 4:46 am

Did someone say Bullion???????

Here's my two cents (and I am a total salt lover too!)....

Get the loose bullion, like the Wylers "shaker" bottles. I had tried the old fashioned cube kind, and perhaps it was the brand or the fact that it had been sitting at Costco for who knows how long, but I could not get the cubes to fully dissolve!!!! I tried several techniques. The loose powder bullion is so easy - like making instant coffee.....only instant coffee that tastes like chicken or beef and has enough salt to curb cravings!!!!
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