Before Pictures

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Before Pictures

Postby LisaM » April 23rd, 2004, 8:38 am

I started on 4/19/04 - I think I'm down 5 lbs already, but attached are my latest fat pictures from Easter (4/11). Yes, it's maddening to be married to a skinny Italian who can eat whatever he wants!

Start Date: 4/19/04
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Postby Nancy » April 25th, 2004, 3:50 pm

Hi, Lisa and welcome. So glad that you posted your picture so that when we think of you and read your posts, we'll have your face in our mind!

Enjoy the journey 'cuz you're gonna do it this time!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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Postby TamiL » April 26th, 2004, 3:18 am

Hi Lisa
Nice to meetcha!! your on your way girlfriend...just keep shakin...try your best to stay faithful to the program and you will see results quicker than you can imagine!! I tried not to weigh alot...and I still dont, the numbers on the scale tend to predict what kind of day I will have...and I would rather use my clothes as a tool than wacky numbers that tend to fluctuate so much!! pick out a pair of pants or an outfit that you havent been able to wear in years...and make that your measuring tool...every 3 weeks try them on....youll be amazed as to how much better they will fit every time!!
hang in there...shake shake shake!!

Medifast RESTART 13 March 09
150/my goal weight is 130
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Postby Carrie » April 26th, 2004, 6:39 am

Hi Lisa!

So nice to meet you, stick with us and we'll all be big losers together!

Now: 2/5/07: 233.6/220.0/145
1st time: 3/1/04, from 266.5 to 195.4
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Postby Amanda » May 16th, 2004, 9:19 am

I understand your madness completely my boyfriend Nicholas is one of those skinny italians who can eat as much pasta,cheese, bread- you know all that horrible stuff- and he doesn't gain an ounce- He'a actually starting to get almost too thin, I need to start cooking for him again---> just cooking no tasting.

I am so glad you found MF, You and I and everyone else here is well on their way to a new Body, healthy and thin!! I can't wait!!! :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P

Peace & Love,

Start Date: 5/14/2004

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