Awww..thank you all. You are being way too kind....but I thank you anyway!
Dede, funny you should say that about the hair! I've always wanted curly or wavy hair. When I saw your pics the first thing I said was "wow...what beautiful hair!!"

You and Lisa both have such pretty, long, thick, curly hair! Mine is straight as a stick!

Even after being on hot rollers! And yes, there are a lot of blurry pics of me too! Funny how I can be so overweight and yet move like a bolt of lightning when there is a camera in the room!
Lizabette...did you say model?

Ya know...I think I will go get that shirt out and try it on for chuckles! Who knows, maybe I'll have my halfway picture taken in it.

And yes, hubby is very proud of me and that makes me feel good.
Gonna be busy the next few days but I'll get that halfway pic soon!