Hello fellow Medifasters. It's been a hectic 2 months and I'm ready to settle down and get back on MF. I've been reading recent posts and checking out pics to get me in the right frame of mind. I must say, you guys and girls have really been doing great since I was last on the forum!!!
Hubby and I left August 5th for Scotland. I didn't reach my goal of 75lbs. but came close with 60. I wanted to lose as much as possible before buying anything so I had to rush around at the last minute trying to buy clothes for our trip. I almost cried when I tried on Tommy Hilfiger jeans in a 12 and they fit!!
After 2 weeks of vacation and eating whatever I wanted, the jeans still fit but I'm scared to get on the scale! I promised myself that as soon as I recovered from the jet lag I'd get back on MF. Well, I'm still on Holland time (the second half of our 2 week vacation) and was wide awake at 3AM today.

I headed straight to the kitchen and had raisin bread toast with jelly (stuff my mom left here) and now I'm feeling like a failure.

I've decided to just pretend it didn't happen and start over at 8AM!
Anyway....I'm here to post a couple of "almost there" pics from our vacation. Would you believe I actually posed for pictures and didn't try to run away??!! That's a first for me!
The one of Anita and me was taken at Urquhart Castle overlooking Loch Ness.
The one of me n hubby was taken in Holland at a 5000 year old burial ground. I hope everyone can see a difference!
It may be a while till Unca gets the pics posted since it is still the wee hours of the night out west!