When I began this journey in June of 2004 the scales in my doctors office had to be wrong at 293, even though all the equipment there is new. I was clearly in denial, don't ya think.
I started with the hope that a loss of 30 lbs. would ease or being really hopeful, erase the constant pain of arthritis in my left knee and the crippling pain of plantar fasciatis in my right foot.
I seldom allowed a picture to be taken of me. I guess for before photo purposes, I should thank whoever took this one of me in my favorite and very worn red dress. Once the photo was given to me, I promptly stuffed in in a drawer, and said to myself that is not me. I dug it out in December of 2004, on my way to meet Leopard Woman and Terry in Baltimore for the first time, so they could have some idea of where I started.
In the almost there picture that I believe Terry Pettit took of me, I am happy to report that the shopping bag I am waiving around has a new pair of salmon color pants in a size 10 that almost fit that day. I am even happier to tell you that today they are really too big, and will have to be altered before I have my at goal photo taken wearing them.
Can you imagine 145 lbs. gone. I really do feel great, I have gained back the good health I had 15 years ago, and no longer need any meds and now I have new with - it threads to wear. What could be better. Friends for life I am sure, with my Health Advisors - Bon-Bon and Steve and Nancy (LW) and Terry.
Folks, if you are on the fence, I am here to tell you that if I could do it at 60 + you can. Keep Shakin and if you are not Get Shakin! Life is much more fun healthy.