Been lurking and losing!

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Been lurking and losing!

Postby BamaBabe » July 16th, 2006, 9:10 am

Yee-haw! :yes:

Okay, not something I'd normally shout out to a room full of strangers, but that's exactly how I feel right now! :yay: Just want to be sure you all know what a "thin"spiration your photos, mutual support and information shared via this board has ALREADY been to me, and I am sure countless others!

I started Medifast on July 11, and couldn't take the suspense any longer... so I got on what was formerly known as "The Scale of Doom" this morning... Over the past 5 days, I have seen the off-and-on swelling in my ankles go down, my pants fitting ever-so-slightly less like sausage casing, and maybe I'm imagining things, but I *may* have already lost one of my chins!

Drumroll, please: SEVEN pounds gone! :kool:

To give a little background info on me, I am a divorce recovery & stepfamily dynamics counselor. I put myself through school w/ my Husband's support. During this time, I gave birth to 4 children in 3 years (all girls, ages 7.5, 5.5 and 3.5 year old twins), and was bedridden with the twins pregnancy. My husband was working the evening shift all this time & picking up as much overtime as was available, which meant I pretty much felt like a single parent w/ a roommate. It was very tough, to say the least, to get through this time in my life... but my twins will be 4 in December, so I think the "Give yourself a break, you just gave birth" mumbo-jumbo I'd been feeding myself has gone a bit stale & just doesn't fly anymore!

I'd packed on over 100 pounds during this 8 year period of my life & I felt like a beached sea lion w/ bad hips (an injury during the twins' birth). To make matters worse, my gums were completely shot from the back-to-back pregnancies & I recently had to have some dramatic dental surgery to deal with my advanced periodontal disease. I've got "Super Model Teef" now, but at a very high price, both financially and physically. My self-esteem plummeted during the the "Pork Chop Years", because even my smile was lackluster...

Around January of this year, following the oral surgery, I started Nutri-System and lost around 30 lbs in 3 months. I couldn't stick to it because the progress was so sloooooow, and I had too much access to food, had to make too many decisions, and had too much room for error. I gained every pound back, plus some, since April. Cut to me feeling even more depressed about my weight & feeling like I had next to no choice in this.

Then, of course, I began to redirect that depression & frustration into resolve & started doing my homework, like a good little therapist :roll: . One thing I learned about myself through this experience is that I have to limit my options, lock horns with my giant looming hips & go in for the tackle, with no holds barred. I mean, come on... if I can give birth to four children in 3 years, I can do ANYTHING! 8)

I have claimed 2006 as "The Year of the Bama Babe" (hence the username), and by gosh, there's only 6 months left in it, but I'm claiming them all for myself! 8) Way back, like 100 lifetimes & pounds ago, I used to do some small-time local modeling, so I have lots of photos of myself from when I was a "stacked mamma-jamma", and I miss my figure! I'm giving it back to myself for Christmas this year - no excuses!! :you:

So, now I have been on Medifast for 5 days, have EFFORTLESSLY lost 7 pounds, consuming MUCH more food than I ever did before! I was your textbook case of "skip breakfast, wimp through lunch & pork out in the evenings" kinda gal. With Medifast, I am full ALL DAY LONG - and hey, I'm all over anything that says "Chocolate" on it anyway, so big score for me! :lol:

I can SOOOOO do this... for myself, for my kiddos, for my business! It would be so nice to be able to go out on speaking engagements & not have to stand in front of the closet freaking out because my favorite suit, or whatever, doesn't button... or is in a size I used to laugh at in my "stacked mamma-jamma" days.

I miss being "hot"... really, really bad... I guess that, along with the fact that diabetes has burned up my family tree like a California wild fire, is my primary motivation. I've given the last 8 years of my life to my kids, my family & my business... this year, it's going to be all about me. I may not look much like a "Bama Babe" yet, but just give me a little time. With the simplicity of the Medifast plan (the less I have to "think", the better!!) this chick's weight loss is a done deal!!

I'm SO HAPPY I've found Medifast and this support group! I hope to have some before & after pics to share at the end of months 1 - 6, as I am taking a photo journal of my progress! Thank you so much for all the info & encouragement this board offers... with the tools & the interaction, this will be a BREEZE!!

Best & brightest to all!
Nikki :hi5:
Last edited by BamaBabe on July 16th, 2006, 12:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Nikki :woohoo:
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Postby Karli » July 16th, 2006, 9:16 am

Oh my !! Thank you so much for sharing and you are quite comical (I love the part about your pants fitting less like sausage casing :roflmao:)

Congratulations on your initial loss and welcome to this wonderful forum :).

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Postby Unca_Tim » July 16th, 2006, 9:30 am

Hi Bama and welcome to the forum,

Time to kick some "Medi-booty"...
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Postby BamaBabe » July 16th, 2006, 9:39 am

Thanks so much for the warm welcome! :D

Kicking major "Medi-booty", for sure! :) After getting on that scale this morning, I'm motivated beyond even my own expectations :)

Glad you liked the giggles, Karli! :) Laughter is the best medicine to take in addition to your packets, ay? :mrgreen: ha ha

Thanks again for the warm welcome!

Be blessed,
Nikki 8)
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Postby Drama Queen » July 16th, 2006, 10:04 am

Greetings Nikki,

WELCOME!! So glad you found the Forum. This is the most amazing group of people. Congratulations on such a great start!! With your attitude and positive outlook, you can't help but succeed!! keep us posted on your progress!
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Postby Arklahoma » July 16th, 2006, 10:20 am

Welcome, BamaBabe!!!
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Postby loriannk » July 16th, 2006, 10:25 am


Glad you found us!!
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Postby JKSRN » July 16th, 2006, 10:39 am

Hi Nicki, and welcome!! This is the place to find your "mamma-jamma'!! :lol: Glad you are with us! :D
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Postby supermom » July 16th, 2006, 10:47 am

Glad to have ya!! You are going to do just great. You have a winning attitude, and I have a feeling that nothing is going to stop you. It is mostly a mind game, and I think you have already kicked that in the butt. Here's to you!! :toast: Can't wait to see the pics!
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Postby BamaBabe » July 16th, 2006, 10:50 am

Thanks so much for the warm welcomes! I'm so 'cited!!! :mrgreen: ha ha
I also posted some pics of myself & la familia over on the Studio boards... neat-o! :D ha ha

What a fun & inspiring group here... so glad I found y'all! ;)
Nikki :woohoo:
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Postby Jen » July 16th, 2006, 12:23 pm

Welcome! I really enjoyed your post!!
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Postby Nicki » July 16th, 2006, 1:58 pm

Another Nikki - welcome!! You're doing great already and are revved up to get to goal!! So glad you're here...
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Postby KTown » July 16th, 2006, 3:19 pm

I enjoyed your post - thanks for sharing. You too are a "thinspiration" for the next batch of newbies who started this week!
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Postby sheila » July 16th, 2006, 6:29 pm

Hi Bama. Its good to have you here. Your post was like a good but that I didnt want to put down. You are very insightful, and very funny. I have been a psych major for some time now. Afew courses here, a few there. But for now, i am beeing led down a little bit of a different path. As I see you replied to my post about the Police officer job I am trying for. You know, one of my favorite TV shows is CSI, and I am intrigued with that kind of work. But as far as school goes, I am changing things up a but there, too. I am working on a biblical degree now. I would someday like to offer Christian counselling. But for now, I guess I will (hopefully), be pickin up the "bad boys...and girls", and then I guess I could preach to them on the way to the station.LOL i love the fact that you work with step families. I might have to pm ya from time to time. Our 16 yr old son is my step son. My husband didnt even know about him until he was 8 yrs old. Hes been living with us for the past 4 yrs, he is visiting his mother right now, and is always a handful when he comes back from his visits there. He will be back on July 28th, hopefully he will be better this year. But the way he has been acting out while there, it doesnt look promising. Anyway. it is nice to have you here. I know you will love this site. I know I am addicted to it.Take care and God bless.
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Postby BamaBabe » July 16th, 2006, 9:16 pm

Thank yuh - thank yuh very much ;) ha ha - In my best "Elvis" mimic... I'm Southern, can't be avoided ;)

This is SO NICE to meet all of you & get to know you through these boards!! 8) I am very familiar w/ the power of online support through my own stepfamily work, but that is mostly on the extending end... it is SO, SO WONDERFUL to be on the receiving end for a change!! Thank you, seriously, for the warm welcomes... it means so much to be able to talk about this part of my life for a change! :D

I am THRILLED to be here, and am THRILLED to have finally found something that I can actually see WORKING FOR ME!! I've done it all, tried it all and failed at it all... fortunately, I've learned why I didn't succeed in the past & can apply it to the MF plan. I'm pumped, for many reasons... not the least of which is seeing all of the success stories around this board!

Tickled Pink to be a part of this group... so glad I took my time to self-study & lurk here while I was sippin' my first several shakes. Real people, real results... can't beat that with a stick! :mrgreen:

Thanks again for the warm, warm welcomes!! 8) Feels like "home" :whoohoo:

(note the ticker... I've lost ANOTHER pound as of bedtime!!!! SCORE!!!)
Nikki :woohoo:
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