Been Away a bit...

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Been Away a bit...

Postby mmob » April 3rd, 2006, 7:38 pm

Some of you know that my dad is terminally ill and I've been flying back and forth to Florida - 2 weeks here w/my family and then 2 weeks down there w/my mom and helping w/my dad....tough to stick to dieting but I'm trying.
I just got back this weekend - I stayed a little longer down there - I'm not going to post a lot about it because I'm sure folks don't want to hear a downer. But my dad is home w/hospice - he's doing ok - I guess as well as can be expected right now - he's got a wonderful guy nurse right now helping - at times he thinks that Oswald is my husband - so 18 years of marriage and he forgot Michael! lol - Oswald is probably the best blessing right now - he's a great guy - can lift my dad in and out of the bed and for some reason - they have hit it off - he talks to my dad a lot and my dad talks to him. I again got to spend some quality time w/my dad too.

My mother is not handling this well at all - not at all - I suppose it's to be expected - but some of it is her personality too - the control factor and needing to be right all the time and right now nothing is in her control and she doesn't understand a lot - so my cousin GOD love her - flew down on Friday to stay a week - so my mom will only have a week before I get back again to help.

I'm feeling the stress, being pulled in all directions - have a ton of work to catch up on - my taxes are not even done yet and Danny is home sick w/strep. I also need surgery on my knee - torn meniscus. It's hurting a lot - but it is going to have to wait.

A few things that I found really neat. I poked around in my dad's office - to help my mother put any important financial or other things away - Now - I've always been very close w/my dad and knew he was always a shutterbug - but he always had the latest instant camera - nothing fancy ever and it was mostly snapshot types. Anyway - I found in an old case - several books on photography - dating from the 30's and 40's. I also found an old camera bag with 12 different lenses, numerous filters, a remote trigger, etc.... Kinda cool considering that is what I do professionally. My mom said he used to be really really into it before they got married - she thinks she sort of quelched it on him (I think she probably did and now regrets it). Just thought it was very neat - to see where the interest comes from! I don't know why he never told me about that but for some reason he didn't.

Anyway - I'm home for two weeks and as crazy as it is - it's nice to be here - Erin finally landed her double Axel - she was having trouble with the double - but she got it and is thrilled. Danny is on the couch moaning that his throat hurts - I've been feeding him ginger ale and chicken soup all day. And Ethan is on day one of potty training - wasn't my idea - timing wise I would have rather waited till things settle down for us - but the daycare he goes to (usually 2 mornings a week but since all this he's been more regular) is training them this week so it sort of forces me to go along - hope it works!

I'm tired, but wanted to check in - I didn't really have much time while down there.

AS for the diet - I stuck as best I could but some days I just didn't have any appetite at all - I lost a few lbs. I am home and have actually eaten today - and now I feel stuffed - even just eating MF stuff - I will probably put a few lbs back that I lost merely from LACK of eating, but oh well.

so - I'm back for now - it's good to be back and now I have to try to get back on TRACK - at least until April 18 when I go back down again.....

Thanks for reading this far!!

Started MF 1/23/06 at 204.5lbs

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Postby big ron » April 3rd, 2006, 7:46 pm


sorry you are going through so much pain. You need to be proud you are back. Welcome back Ron
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Postby Pashta » April 3rd, 2006, 8:04 pm

Welcome back and hello there. :) I wish you and your father the best.

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Postby supermom » April 3rd, 2006, 8:21 pm

Hi. My name is Laurie. I am new here. I am sorry to read of your pain. I am a nursing student and I love hospice care. If you can, try to look at this as a time of transition for your dad. He is only coming to the end of his life here on this earth. He is soon approaching a time where he will no longer feel pain and discomfort. His spirit will be set free from a body overcome with disease. Let his spirit live in you. Look deep into yourself and find what it is in you that is like him and let that shine through. Try to remember that his "physical self" is not really him. It is only what you see when you look at him. It will be hard to adjust to not being able to "see" him, but if you really look hard enough, you will find that he really is still with you and that he never actually "left". Start now writing a journal. While he is still alive and somewhat coherant, ask him to tell you stories about you when you were a child. About his childhood. Don't just record the stories in your journal, but also use a tape recorder to record his voice. Then, you can still hear him talk to you. You can share his voice with your children, if you have any. Stay strong and let your higher power pull you through. For me, the higher power is God. Lay your pain on Him. He is strong and can bear the load for you.
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Postby MISSANNE » April 3rd, 2006, 8:55 pm

Welcome back
Our prayers are with you :bighug:
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Postby SueInSLO » April 3rd, 2006, 10:09 pm

Hi Maria,

I'm sorry to hear about your Dad.

I do know how you feel about Hospice. I lost my Mom this past October and Hospice was a Godsend for our family.

My mother became special friends with her nurse as well as a lady visitor that became her close confidant and friend. In fact, this special lady is still friends with me and she performed my wedding 2 weeks ago.

God puts special people in our lives at just the right time and your Dad has his special guardian angels with you, your family and his Hospice nurse.

My blessings to you and your family as you all go through this transition. If you ever need to talk or vent I'm a message away.

Take care of yourself, get lots of rest and be safe.

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Postby Arklahoma » April 4th, 2006, 12:32 am

Mmob ... Very nice to meet you. I look forward to reading more of your posts and only wish you the best in your families' hospice journey.
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Postby RoleModel_Mom » April 4th, 2006, 6:46 am

Welcome back! Nice to meet you.

I hope all the hard stuff that is going on in your life right now will ease up on you soon.


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Postby MusicalMomma » April 4th, 2006, 7:22 am

Maria :hug: We missed you so much!!! I am so sorry life is so painful for you and your loved ones right now. Times like these seem to go on forever don't they? It is AMAZING that you are doing so well with your weight loss efforts given the stress you are under. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
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Postby falisamarie » April 4th, 2006, 8:03 am

Maria-- :hug: Honey it is so good to hear from you. You and your family have been in my prayers. I must say that your strength amazes me. I do so wish there was something more that I could do for you.

Always know that you are missed when you are gone but you are never forgotten.

PM me if you ever need to talk.

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Postby Dayna » April 4th, 2006, 5:50 pm

It's very good to hear from you! My thoughts and prayers are with you as you go through this difficult time. Thanks for giving us an update.

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