Bars & soups

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Bars & soups

Postby prata1973 » August 8th, 2005, 7:36 am

Hi everyone,

I have I have 11 packets of Chicken & Rice, 14 Fruit bars. and 5 packets of Chicken Noodle Soup for a total of 30 supplements! Would anyone be billing to swap for shakes, oatmeal, or pudding...I really like Choc., vanilla, banana, but I'm not picky. :D

Angie Prata, RI
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Postby suzyq » August 11th, 2005, 12:42 pm

Hi Angie - I could trade for the bars - I have chocolate pudding (several boxes), a few chocolate shakes, a few vanilla shakes (both regular and appetite suppression), lemon bars, caramel bars, and a few apple cinn. oatmeal. Let me know if you are interested. The shipping wouldn't be too bad as I am in Mass.


PS - have you tried adding chicken boullion to the soups? I add a little extra water and a boullion cube and they taste much better!
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Postby prata1973 » August 12th, 2005, 7:38 pm

Hi Suzy,

Not sure if you got my PM but if your still willing to trade I do still have the soups and bars... If not that's okay to :D Thanks
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Postby mama of 2 » August 30th, 2005, 3:15 pm

Hi Angie
If it doesn't work with Suzy.
I have only shakes. ( dutch chocolate and swiss mocha )
I also live in RI ( Coventry )
We can do it.
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