Alex.......sounds like a plan!
Guest.....1 pkt. vanilla berry oatmeal, 3 pkts. Splenda, 1/4 heaping tsp. baking powder, 1 cap full of McCormick's banana extract, about 4 "shakes" of McCormick's pumpkin spice, add very small amounts of H20 at a time while mixing until completely moist, but thick (approx. 3 - 4 Tbsp.) If you make it too watery it will ruin the cookie. Spray Mazola "Pure" on cookie sheet. Pour onto cookie sheet and shape into thick cookie. Put in the pre-heated oven at 350 for approx. 10 min.....cookie will rise alittle....flip cookie.....5-10 min. more so golden brown on both sides. ...finished. I don't measure anything, I just guestimate and experiment, so this is the best I can do as far as measurements. I'm just so used to making them now. I'm used to what works and how much without really even thinking. Enjoy!