I'm a new kid on the block & hope I'm doing this properly... linking to pics on my own server, so hopefully this flies

I went for my yearly "If Mama Ain't Happy, Ain't Nobody Happy" trip to visit my girlfriends in Chicago & Milwaukee in June, so these are the most recent pics of me, from that trip:
I'm quite a big ol' gal these days (had to cut out my long-time GF Amy - we were leaving her house for a surprise girl's nite out... her darling hubby took this pic):

The next one of these you see will be me holding my Medifast shaker!

Here is a pic of me from 100lbs & a lifetime ago, at just below my goal weight!

And, finally, here are my Kiddos & my Hubby:

Not sure if that's too many pics to post, but I wanted to share a bit about me & my bunch from the "Come on in" post I made earlier

Happy to be here & looking forward to being a big loooooooser!!
God bless!

Edit / Update!!! Aug. 14, 2006
As per the latest post in my Journal, I ended up taking two weeks off plan, just because I realized I'd violated rule #1 and didn't chose my start date carefully. I didn't pig out too badly, but didn't *waste* any more of my MF shakes after a few days of constantly goofing up & stress eating over & over. Started back full force last Fri. and am already darn near where I left off on the scale. So, just to see if I could see any changes (and to try out my sweet new cam! lol) I thought I'd take a face shot & put it right next to the original I posted here from June...
Voila!!! Me, 14 lbs and 1 extra chin lighter:

I can actually see a little tiny bit of difference! I'm so motivated!!

End Edit/Update