Holy Cannoli! WHAT FUN!!! Thanks, Ladies, for the warm welcomes & compliments on my darling familia!
Hey, check out the JOURNAL section and let's hear more about you, my dear.
Took your advice & started a journal!
This should be a fun self-study thing for me, because I'm one of those folks who advise clients to journal all the time & can't hang w/ the commitment myself... so the peer support here should help me on that front!
I am finding over the last couple of days that I look forward to this "kids in bed - winding down - self-investment" time a LOT! Maybe, for the first time in my life, I can actually journal my way to success, by way of these boards!
I'm from Arkansas ~ Not only did my parents say this all the time but my mom had the bumper sticker on her car!!
Bwahahaha!!!! Tee hee hee.... I loooove being a Southern Belle, don't you?