Bad, bad Anna....learned a lesson

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Bad, bad Anna....learned a lesson

Postby AnnaKat » September 7th, 2005, 10:18 am

I am just so angry with myself. I started Medifast in Feb. and had lost 40 lbs by May. And then I got off the plan. Mostly due to financial situation, I just couldn't afford to keep it up. My problem was that I also didn't make that lifestyle change, I kept saying "I'll get back on next week so today I'll eat this" And that lasted until today. I gained 15 lbs back because I didn't eat right, fell right back into old habits.
So I'm here to say that I'm back, and ready to finish what I started. Hopefully learned a valuable lesson, that you can gain it back just as easily if you don't make the right decisions.
It's hard to get back on the horse, so I've been on this site looking for strength. I do have a motivation though.... I am going to Hawaii for vacation Feb. 27th. I REFUSE to go to Hawaii and feel uncomfortable about myself and my weight, it would ruin my entire trip.
So today I start another journey with every intention to succeed.
Learn from me, if I hadn't ever gone off plan I could be so close to goal, now I'm even further.
Lesson learned - the hard way.

Start date 9/23/08

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Postby Nancy » September 7th, 2005, 10:59 am

Hi, AnnaKat ~

fell right back into old habits.

Yup, old habits = old weight...

We must make permanent changes or we will be permanently flabby...

It is always interesting to me that people say they can't afford to Medifast...we all have to eat. Groceries and restaurants cost more than $10 a day in Medifast packets. Also...medications, health issues, larger clothing sizes, lousy self-esteem, etc. all those cost me a lot more than $10 a day...I can't afford to not Medifast!

Your goal of going to Hawaii in February will help you to keep focused. Every day read through your list of reasons why you are Medifasting and you can be wearing a much smaller bathing suit on the beaches of Hawaii!

Welcome back and welcome home to improved health and mental happiness!
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Postby mytime » September 7th, 2005, 9:02 pm

Hey Annkat - easy on that head you are going to need it. The bottom line is that you are back after only 15 - that is a lesson learned. We are all going to slip - that is a given - it is how quickly we recover and come back that =change. Hawaii is a lifetime away. You have a new start and you CAN DO THIS. Looking forward to witnessing your progress, Mytime
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