Tomorrow I restart Medifast - on the anniversary of my first day in 2004! Same starting weight, 216. Last time, October 16-December 6, I lost 24 pounds, down to 192. I have tried since to get back on, but have only been able to lose a few, gain a few... as you can see by me being back at my original starting weight!

This time, I'm going all the way, baby!
I got a few things on my side now:
#1, and the big one, my sister is doing it with me. We didn't even plan to start together, but I was going to get back on soon, and today she called me and told me she was starting October 16th... bizarrely the first day I started out too last year! (It's a SIGN! heh!) She wants to lose 35 pounds, which is definitely do-able on MF! She has an upcoming Thanksgiving vacation in Arizona with her DH, and wants to lose 20 by then... again, I think she can do it!

But she's going on it per my high praise of the healthiness and speed of MF weight loss.... I'm excited for her

#2: upcoming head-shrinking for an eating disorder, drinking, and depression. Appointments begin on the 24th of October... Should be interesting

#3: upcoming trip to Italy next year. Not planned out yet, but I am learning Italian and reading all about the country! Very exciting. Absolutely want to be in great shape to enjoy it to the max: hike, walk, bike, whatever!
See you all for my first re-weigh in tomorrow morning!