Back on track!

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Back on track!

Postby BerkshireGrl » October 15th, 2005, 1:02 pm

Hello everyone! :wave:

Tomorrow I restart Medifast - on the anniversary of my first day in 2004! Same starting weight, 216. Last time, October 16-December 6, I lost 24 pounds, down to 192. I have tried since to get back on, but have only been able to lose a few, gain a few... as you can see by me being back at my original starting weight! ;) Boy, those 24 pounds off felt WONDERFUL. Can't wait to feel all 76 gone!

This time, I'm going all the way, baby!

I got a few things on my side now:

#1, and the big one, my sister is doing it with me. We didn't even plan to start together, but I was going to get back on soon, and today she called me and told me she was starting October 16th... bizarrely the first day I started out too last year! (It's a SIGN! heh!) She wants to lose 35 pounds, which is definitely do-able on MF! She has an upcoming Thanksgiving vacation in Arizona with her DH, and wants to lose 20 by then... again, I think she can do it! :) (She's quite a bit more svelte than me, heh!)

But she's going on it per my high praise of the healthiness and speed of MF weight loss.... I'm excited for her :D I warned her about the first dreaded 3 Days... She will not be on it as long as me, but she will sure be a big help to me when she is on it with me these first 2 months. (We can compare our "cooking techniques" and swap recipes, hehehe!)

#2: upcoming head-shrinking for an eating disorder, drinking, and depression. Appointments begin on the 24th of October... Should be interesting ;) and helpful. I think the hardest part was walking in to confess my problems to my FNP the first day... whew, that was really nerve-racking.

#3: upcoming trip to Italy next year. Not planned out yet, but I am learning Italian and reading all about the country! Very exciting. Absolutely want to be in great shape to enjoy it to the max: hike, walk, bike, whatever!

See you all for my first re-weigh in tomorrow morning! :bananadance:
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Postby Jade » October 15th, 2005, 2:27 pm

Welcome back !!!!
Sounds like you have everything in order for a fresh new start. You can do it this time. You know Medi fast works. This is round 2 for me also. Just got through the first 3 days :yay: whew! We are all rooting for you. :D
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Postby LoriO » October 15th, 2005, 4:32 pm

That is great news! I am so happy that you and your sister are doing it together. My family is very supportive and it helps alot. My 16(soon to be 17) year old son is going to Italy in March with his school. He is really looking forward to it. They will be there for nine days and get to see all sorts of sights/cities. I am kind of jealous of him!! Anyway, you just shake it off!!!

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Postby Nicki » October 16th, 2005, 6:26 am

You've taken a lot of brave steps to improve your quality of life. Your great attitude will certainly help you on your journey. Just wanted to let you know, as a newbie, I've been going through a lot of old posts to provide motivation, and a lot of yours have done just that, so thank you ... I know you can do this!
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Postby dlr2424 » October 16th, 2005, 9:31 am

Sarah...... :D medibuddy....... :angel: prayers to you for much success in all the journeys you walk........ :you: ....YOU CAN DO THIS........ :hug: ........


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Postby Nancy » October 18th, 2005, 1:16 am

Berk ~

Thatta Girl! You are already winning - you have a plan. You posted it and we stand by to support you.

I love it that you have some short-term and long-term goals. You have a lot going for you and how cool to have your sister march right along with you on the journey. :hi5:
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Postby chickbb » October 18th, 2005, 8:17 am

WAY TO GO Berkshire :yes:!!!!! You will be a GREAT LOSER !!! What an attitude, you got me all pumped up to do whatever it takes to finish this weightloss and beat the FAT !!!!!! I have read a lot of your posts over this past year and you are inspiring. You are so brave and strong to face your demons HEAD on !!! I am so proud of you !!!! You can BEAT this !!!! :cheermed: You and your sister are lucky to have each other!!! You already Know that Medifast is the only way to be a LOSER !!!! GO GO GO Girl !!!!! Sara too
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Postby DonicaB » October 18th, 2005, 9:17 am

Hi BerkshireGrl~~I too am back on track. It stinks falling off the wagon and gaining weight back.

I am soooo glad your sister is doing this with you. That should be a major encouragement.

Welcome Back......we are both going all the way this time. :goodluck:

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Postby TamiL » October 18th, 2005, 1:47 pm

Im so happy for you!! just stay focused....think of what you want later on down the road when temptations arise..and youll be on your shake at a time!!

we are all here routing for you!!

Tami ;)

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Postby Nancy » October 18th, 2005, 4:55 pm


How ya doin' so far??
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