Back on track...HS reunion 11 weeks away

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Hich School Reunions

Postby NE gal in South » April 13th, 2005, 11:53 am

Let me think what can I say about High School Reunions. I went to my 40th in 2001. Hardly anyone knew who I was, then again I seldom believed that was me, on the rare occasion that I looked in the mirror at close to 300 lbs. However, I only attended that high school for my senior year, but many of the kids I knew from grammar school and junior high. I observed that many of my former classmates has changed a lot, either excess weight - me, hair color - me, the effects of aging, poor choice in attire, dress sure has changed from the early 60's to the present time etc.

Since June of 2004, I have lost 145 lbs. In the airport of the Central New York city where I graduated from high school, I recently, had a distinguished, but rumpled fellow approach me and ask me if my name was Carol., I replied yes. I asked him his name and he told me, however I did not recognize him. He proceeded to tell me that I had not changed much since high school. I laughed and said “why thank you so much”, thinking to myself, what he does not know will not hurt him.

MomJackieLee and Tiesha you can do it. Get shaking for Optimal Health and the High School Reunions will truly be a huge "I did it for me party"!!! We are all "Shaking" on you to do it!!!
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Postby THINKTHIN » April 13th, 2005, 6:37 pm

Such great stories, here! I love this site!

I have been doing absolutely wonderful on plan. I'm down to 170.5lbs. I've been on a real ride. I was stuck in a rut for awhile and now I'm out of it!

My children wanted their oreo's and milk tonight for their dinner snack. I did not even snatch a bite, or a sip of the ever so glistening chilled milk. Instead, I made some pudding and went in my room to watch tv. kuddos to me!!!!

I am going out to sea on my ship next week for 9 days. No children to prepare for, but 1300 grown adults! I am going to try to stay out of the kitchen (I'm a cook) the best that I can. I will try to stick to the administration side of the house! I am going to pack all of my food with me. Last week when we were gone for four days, I forgot to grab them. Luckily, I did not gain any weight! I am hoping for about a five pound weight loss this week. We'll see. I'll keep you posted. I am leaving on Tuesday. I will check this forum as long as the internet is up while we are out. I'm hoping that it will be fun.

I am going to put in my leave request for my reunion on 23 July. We will be underway (out to sea) again for almost the whole month of July. In/out/in/out. This is starting to get annoying!!!!!!!!! We will be going to New York in May. That outta be fun! Maine in the end of June, and I'm not sure yet about July.

I'm also excited about this goal I am planning, because my children's father is due to come home from Iraq in August time frame. I would love to be 145lbs by then. That would blow him out of the water! He's been gone now for a year and a half. I've seen him twice. :( We are planning on getting married next year sometime. You would think, after 9 years of being together! This past year has been really hard. We have two beautiful children. We miss so much being in the military. Both of us. He's Army, I'm Navy. Anyways.... just wanted to chit chat with you guys... The children are alseep, all nestled in their beds, and i'm bored!

We can do this MomJackieLee!!!!! We must!!!!!! I want an opportunity to wear the leather and the stilletos!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy losing~

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Postby THINKTHIN » April 13th, 2005, 6:46 pm

I just realized, that I hit the 10lb mark!!!!!!!! yeah for me!!!!!!!!!!

I don't think I've ever been able to say that yet here! Yeah!!! :cool:
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Postby scrabbler7 » April 13th, 2005, 6:53 pm

Wooo Hooo --- 10lbs gone !!!!

Great job!

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Postby Nancy » April 13th, 2005, 10:31 pm

Tiesha and dear NE Gal in So ~

Awesome and :angel: inspiring posts!

You all are such marvelous people - so valuable and :hug: treasured.

Keep on keeping on and :heart: love every part of your journey - experience each day to the max - we will never pass this way again.

Yeah, I agree, Miss ThinkThin it would be good to be Mrs. ThinkThin. :mrgreen:
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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Postby THINKTHIN » April 15th, 2005, 8:42 pm

Awe.... Thank you Nancy! It would be nice to be Mrs.Thinkthin! We are really missing him right now. My son had a baseball game tonight and I fed them first instead of going to the vendor! Boy how things work out if there is a schedule!!! we even passed up the hot chocolate. It was 49º out there tonight. Too cold for the kids. Tomorrow he has another game at 10am, so I am of course going to bring a bagged lunch for afterwards!

Well, I'm off to read some posts before I hit the hay! Have a wonderful evening!

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