by petals » August 6th, 2006, 4:00 pm
Hi everyone,
Just thought I would introduce myself again. I see so many new names and faces than when I started in Janurary of this year. But was in a car accident in April and had to go off the plan. So I am back again ready to be thin and healthy.
I've looked in the studio to see so many wonderful goals fulfilled, and in the process of being filled. You are all so inspirational.
I started again on 7-31-06 so I am on day seven and feeling strong and dedicated to this journey.
I have to have Unca change my weight lost. I kept off twelve pounds, but am starting at my current weight. I only weigh once a month, and it seems as if alot of you are doing the same.
I'm looking to sharing this experience together with you.
Here's to a wonderful life! Ready or not here it comes!
Started 7-31-06
Height: 5'8"
Age: 45
~Don't sacrifice what you want NOW for what you want MOST~