Hi everyone:
Let me reintroduce myself.

I started on this journey 6/22/05 and won't go into all the details of why, but I went off the program about 10 pounds before I reached goal and have gained 15 of the pounds 42 pounds I lost. I'm very disappointed in myself and have tried to start Medifast many times through out the months, but couldn't seem to get on the bandwagon.
Well, 3 days ago, after much mental and physical struggle..

I woke up and said "just do it".

So here I am...since this is a new start, I changed my name FROM Want To Be Healthy TO Lady Bug. Because I lost the previous weight I am healthier so decided a new name for my NEW journey.
In the next few days, I'm going to email Tim and ask him to post my befor pic ....my during pic....then finally my reached my goal pic. I am soooo excited cuz I once again have "committed" and I know I can do it.
I turned 60 (May

and I wanted to be at goal. I wasn't quite at goal...but I will be there soon.
Thanks for your past support and I am looking forward to chatting with all of you in the coming days. I have missed this forum so much...but felt embarrassed cuz I felt like I failed so didn't "partake". But, I'm back.
Thanks for listening,
