I'm Back!

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I'm Back!

Postby Zinkette99 » February 15th, 2006, 5:00 am

Well I do apoligize for being MIA the last couple of weeks. I have been busy trying to get our new home together. I sure missed everyone. I did fall off the wagon a bit... But I am right back on the saddle. I was fortunate not to have weight gain- but I sure haven't lost a single pound either.

Here is a little advice: TRY YOUR BEST NOT TO CHEAT. Seriously, its not even about reliving day 1-3 again. It has been so hard for me to even get to day 2. It's like once my body started getting the bad stuff in it again the addiction was worse then ever before. It's harder then ever.

But I gotta do it! :)

Seriously, when you're even thinking of cheating a little bit... trust me... it ain't worth it. It has been much harder to restart then it was to start in the first place.

I am glad to be back :)
25 years old
Started MF'ing: 6/5/06

"Strive for perfection, allow for error. If you haven't given up, you haven't failed."
Courtesy of ChiNut :):)
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Postby Marseilles » February 15th, 2006, 5:53 am

Welcome back Zinkette! It is so good to see you! I totally agree with you about the difficulties of getting back onto the program once you find reason to go off. I speak from experience when I tell you that it becomes more difficult each and every time. As you can see, I first attempted medifast almost two years ago. Try and stay focused and you will get through the restart just fine. Remember, in moments of weakness, that you are doing this for YOU and for YOUR health. This is the best way to be good to yourself and all the non-medifast goodies will be there when you are through.

As Nancy says, nothing tastes as good as thin feels!

Cheering you on and shaking alongside you,
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Postby falisamarie » February 15th, 2006, 6:04 am


Welcome Back! I bet you are so excited to be in a new home! :D I know it must be difficult to get back up on that wagon but we are all here to help and support you :hug: Just think how you will feel in a few days and try to focus on the positives. Great advice on doing your best not to cheat. We can all learn for others experiences. Just press on and post as often as you need to :puter: and we will all be here ready to lend an ear if you need it :secret: YOU CAN DO THIS :mrgreen:

Lisa :rose:
Start date 1/15/06
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Postby MusicalMomma » February 15th, 2006, 8:02 am

:woohoo: Zinkette is back!!!! :woohoo: We missed you!!!!!!!!
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