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I'm back

Postby aimalasplace » September 8th, 2005, 8:09 am

Hi everyone,
I hope everyone has been doing well. I have started today for the second time. I weighed in at 230.0. So .50 less than when I started last time. I hope it will be a learning experience for me, there is nothing more deadly to me than my own head. :hammerhead1:
If there is anyone out there that would like to be a buddy I would love a PM. :stroll: Also my email is <snip>no emails please - Mr. Snippy</snip>
I would like to be accountable and have someone to check in with and vice versa. :puter:
I am also going to go for small goals this time instead of thinking how much I have to loose. :goodluck:
I haven't been here in a bit so I am going to catch up
Have a great day
32 5'3"
Start 10/31/05

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Postby Carbshateme » September 8th, 2005, 12:28 pm

I would be your buddy, but I don't hang out with you SKINNY chicks. I am far too jealous of you and your 230 pounds. :(

No, just kidding! But I AM jealous, LOL!

Welcome back! You are gonna do awesome!!!!!!
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Postby Nancy » September 8th, 2005, 2:42 pm

Aimeé ~

:wave: Hi ya, Hunny! We wuz waitin' for ya and we are not waggin' our stern finger at ya tellin' ya, we told ya so...we know how it feels.

U C, now we know you are human! :mrgreen:

Hugs to you! :hug:

;) Mix those shakes, slurp 'em down....follow the plan and we'll de-flab ya in no time at all!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit
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Welcome Back!

Postby I'm a loser » September 8th, 2005, 8:51 pm

Hello Aimee,
I would love to be your buddy. I am at 228 and my first goal is to reach 199! Eventually, I would like to get to 150- but small steps seem easier for now. I have been on the program since July 12 and have lost 31 pounds since then. I have been pretty good at sticking to the program though I did take 5 days off to "celebrate" my anniversary last month. Everyday has been a challenge but I am taking things one day at a time. Anyway, I would love to be your buddy and since we are basically at the same starting point, it could be fun to compare our progress and to support each other. I will check in with you tomorrow to see how you are doing! Happy Shaking to you!

35 Years Old, 5'4"
Start Date: 7/12/05
261/219/199- First Goal
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