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I'm Back

Postby nikki nix » January 5th, 2005, 3:42 pm

Hi Nancy and everyone else,

I decided to give it another go, and after taking Nancys advice I have decided to set real goals and not get discouraged if I don't lose 100lbs in 2 weeks(ha,ha) :lol: My new saying for the year is " Today is the first day of the rest of my life!" I have decided to say this everyday so every day will be. I'm wondering how Spidey is doing and all my other buddys I lost track with? I'm gonna do the purist fast no foodies. What's different this time? I have support from family and friends and of course you all, I'm here to listen if anyone needs a shoulder. It's good to be back.

Your friend Nikkinix
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nikki nix

Postby explorthis » January 5th, 2005, 4:10 pm

I'm wondering how Spidey is doing and all my other buddys I lost track with?

Welcome back!!!

If you need Guido, let me know (kidding)

Spidey is great, over 100# now. I spoke with him on the phone last night, we are meeting Vegas with Tim/Terry and the FAMOUS Leopard Woman this weekend (Sunday - Tuesday) I can't wait, I get to mee the LW in person!! (talk about being nervous.......)

Glad your back! We are here!

Was 337/223 is goal (about 40 to go)
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Postby Nikki Nix » January 5th, 2005, 5:41 pm

Hi Mike,

I might take you up on that offer for Guido occasionally but hopefully I will keep myself in line. That's awesome your going to see Nancy and Spidey say hello for me. You have nothing to be nervous about , if anything I would be nervous meeting you cause you keep us all in line. What would we do without ya :) I hope you have a wild time in Vegas. I'm glad your still here.

Thanks Nikki Nix
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Nikki Nix

Postby Unca_Tim » January 6th, 2005, 12:09 am

Welcome back Nikki!!
Good to see you again. You know we're here for you.
Keep us posted.
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Postby Nancy » January 6th, 2005, 1:41 am

Nikki Nix ~

:yay: Hooray! I never gave up on you, Girl!

My new saying for the year is “Today is the first day of the rest of my life!" I have decided to say this everyday so every day will be.

Oh wow! :yes: Yup, this is a daily thing - break it down into three hour segments.

We can do anything for three hours, right?

This is THE year you weigh and maintain a healthy weight for the rest of your healthier life!

I can't wait, I get to meet the LW in person!! (Talk about being nervous.......)

What? :shock: You are nervous?

About meeting LW? Are you kidding?! :roll:

I just bought an industrial size deodorant stick at COSTCO Janitorial Supply just in case Guido makes LW nervous!

I am so excited that I haven't :snooze: slept for days. (Well part of the reason is because I stayed up all night because Unca Tim made me write 50 times on the blackboard, “I will log in when posting on the Forum”)

I’m using White Out and Spackle to cover up the dark circles under my blood-shot eyes. :redhead:

I haven't :puter: written the January Newsletter or packed yet. I need to do some shoppage, too. :secret: Pass the deodorant!
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Postby TamiL » January 6th, 2005, 7:05 am

Welcome back Nikki!! :-P Dont get discouraged about your loss...if you do this program faithfully..it works...some weeks weight loss will be slower than others..but then youll have weeks that it will catch up to you!

Mike is going to meet LW in person on SUNDAY???? oh my gosh..i am sooooo JEALOUS!! I wish I could be a fly on the wall to see that!! that is so awesome that you guys are all meeting up!! TAKE LOTS OF PICTURES!! and post em Unca as soon as you all get back!! :)

:-P Dont gamble too much!! lol


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