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Postby worldawind » June 13th, 2007, 5:52 am

Well I'm probably the only person in the world happy to here she has gerd, gastritious, reflux, whatever you want to call it but a diagnosis. Your esophagus should be pink mine is beet red. Is it being caused my MF, it might be but I don't care.

I'm going to be taking a pill in the morning, one before bed, raise my head on a few pillows. I will have to adjust the food. I usually have my last one around 8:30-9:00 and then go to bed an hour later. I'll just move them up so I don't have anything after 7. I'm so hoping this will solve the problem. I'm hopeful.

Going to see regular doctor on Friday I guess to discuss calcium. I also think this is a result of MF but I'm not going off program. I'm don't feel I'm jeoparding my health, just a few roadblocks which I'll deal with.

I'm feeling better then I have in a long time. Hopefully this will put an end to it all. I'll let you know how it goes on Friday.

Lisa good luck to you also.
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Postby Tawanda » June 13th, 2007, 6:29 am

Thank goodness you have a diagnosis! I hope your adjustments work well for you!
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Postby worldawind » June 13th, 2007, 10:37 am

Thanks Twanda. I guess I'll know if it is really the problem when I start the medicine but right now I'm feeling positive. I'll just have to make sure I eat nothing after 7 pm. I will make the adjustment and make sure I get all my meals.
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Postby Nancy » June 13th, 2007, 6:52 pm

I am sorry to hear that you have had such a rough go of it.
In our five years of coaching clients, you are the first person that I know of that has had cracked lips and a gnarly tongue. How about that? You are unique!

Most people that have GERD or gastric reflux prior to starting the weight loss program benefit greatly by changing their diet and going on the program.

My husband had volcanic eruptions with gastric reflux prior to going on our weight loss program. He used to sleep in a recliner to prevent night time episodes of reflux. He was able to discontinue his prescription Prilosec the first week he went on the program.

We wish the best for you; glad you are back!
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Postby worldawind » June 19th, 2007, 5:00 am

O.K. just got back the latest test results, the one that tested my parathyroid. Well everything is good. Every test he has taken has come back o.k. except for a little higher then normal calcium. I did have two polyps removed which if you think about it I probably wouldn't have done if he hadn't insisted I take the colonoscopy. Today I have a pelvic sonogram and then I have to take a chest x-ray.

I went for my mouth and look what I wound up with. Anyway since I started taking the protonx I don't have that terrible taste. The lips and tongue have slowly gotten a bit better. this other stuff to me seems like a precaution because he is saying that when calcium is a bit higher it can either mean I have a higher then normal set point or there could be (heaven forbid) a cancer. So I'm taking all these tests but I truly believe when I stopped taking the MF for two weeks and he retested it dropped from 11.6 to 11. To me this clearly shows that my calcium level is being affected by the MF. I'm back on and not going to stop doing it. I feel good and if these tests come back fine that will be the end of it for me.

How is your mouth doing? Any news for you?
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Postby bikipatra » June 19th, 2007, 5:19 am

Are you taking Protonix? Ihave taken it for years and can tell if I go a day or two without it. It's a great medication.
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Postby worldawind » June 19th, 2007, 11:28 am

Yes I am taking that but I thought you were only suppose to take it for one or two months. I'll have to find out.
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Postby bikipatra » June 19th, 2007, 12:14 pm

worldawind wrote:Yes I am taking that but I thought you were only suppose to take it for one or two months. I'll have to find out.

I had alcoholic gastritis and acid reflux. If I stop taking it for even a few days I get splashes of acid up into my esophagus. I don't think there are time restrictions on the amount of time you are allowed to take it. I certainly haven't heard anything from my pharmacist or doctor. Perhaps your doctor believes your reflux problem is a passing event.
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Postby worldawind » June 25th, 2007, 10:34 am

I'm sure at this point you must be tired of hearing about my mouth but it makes me feel better to discuss it.

I'm pretty sure the reflux is not the main issue. While the pills have helped a bit I'm sure I actually have a stupid condition called burning tongue or burning mouth. Every symptom is mine. they don't know why it happens or even how to get rid of it but I have found a mouth wash which matches the new toothpaste I'm using and it has made a difference.

They say it is not contagious or life threatening so I'm just going to be patient and wait for it to leave.

I think because I have been using so many different sucking candies to help my mouth (which really didn't) I haven't lost any weight. But I have been sticking to program and will continue to do so. Only this week I don't need any extra calories to do it.

Hope everyone is well and thanks again for listening.

Still waiting on the result of the high calcium problem.
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