I had to post and come clean, once again. Its the only way I can pick myself back up. I re-started Medifast a few weeks ago..I had 11 days...of the full fast, I was FEELING GREAT!! going strong...then BAM..out of the blue...I LOST IT!! I read Mikes posts...I read the forum and read my old posts...and try and understand WHY this is so difficult to STICK to now for me...I read how motiviated I was, I did this for months..and fell down a few times, but always got right back up...but latley...getting back on track is very difficult. I cant stress enuf to those of you who have the PROGRAM...and are faithful to it...DONT STRAY, its so hard to get back on and stay on without cheating. The awful thing is...who am I cheating but myself? no one. I try and think back to what I was thinking when I took that first bite of junk...it all started with one Drink...out with friends..that lead to the eating. I got that "im feeling good" feeling...I can have just one drink...that lead to 2....that lead to EATING...and then the guilt comes for days...and I eat over that!! now Im back at Day 1...again...for the millionth time. I wont give up on this...I have 5 weeks untill My Italy trip...do I want to go there weighing 15 pounds more...or 15 pounds less and back to where I was? IM FOOLING no one here, but ME!! I just needed to come clean. again.
Today is my day one again....if I could just get 21 days of it...clean...like the first time...it became habit...it was easy...thats my magic number right now....Tami's 21 day challange...to stay faithful....no more sabotage..no more cheating myself....
I have to do this. IM on my knees today praying to god to help me....keep my HONEST with myself, and keep me centered...aware of my feelings...and faithful to this once again...
