Hi Nico,
Welcome back from another RERERERE...starter
I understand and can relate to the feelings of being upset and how difficult it is to get back into the MF groove. Just look at how my restart posts I have.
Let's start with the positives though:
*You know MF works, 'cause you worked it in the past and it worked successfully for you.
*Instead of just throwing in the towel, you returned to something you know works
*You're proactively taking steps towards better health by coming back to MF for a healthier you
*You're here at this forum, sharing your experience, and learning from others to help you succeed.
I'm sure there are more, those are just a few off the top of my head.
It is harder to restart Nico, not 100% sure why??? Maybe we know how well it works, so we can just put it off and do it later, knowing eventually we'll be successful at it, at least that's my latest thinking. But I don't want to put it off any longer and eventually be fit, I want it now.
A few things that have helped me this time:
*I'm trying really hard to not compare how I did last time (ie, by this time I had lost this much, so by next month...)
*I'm just taking one day at a time to be MF compliant.
*I gave myself a 100 day challenge, as an initial motivator to stay compliant.
Whatever you try, I'm glad you're back, and look forward to hear how well you do.