Let me tell you it is really rough without all your support!! This forum has been invaluable to me, and it has helped me stay the course when I felt like cheating, but being on vacation and not being able to access this site was awfull!! I NEED YOU GUYS

I weighed and believe it or not in 3 weeks I gained back 8 pounds

Let me tell you I was REALLY BUMMED!!! But you know what, What I did was stupid but I am not going to dwell on it because if I do then I am going to get real depressed and then EAT EAT EAT EAT! So I start agian tomorrow !

I cant believe how many new people are on the forum.....WELCOME TO YOU ALL!
And a BIG CONGRATS to everyone on their weight losses...you people are awesome

Anyways it is soooooooo good to be back, I just cant believe how supportive all you people are, Thank You !