back from vacation with a confession...........

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back from vacation with a confession...........

Postby fatfree » August 20th, 2005, 7:33 pm

I blew it BIG TIME! I left with all the confidence in the world that I was going to stick to the plan no matter what! Well..........that lasted about 4 days!!!!! :brickwall: :brickwall: :brickwall: :brickwall:
Let me tell you it is really rough without all your support!! This forum has been invaluable to me, and it has helped me stay the course when I felt like cheating, but being on vacation and not being able to access this site was awfull!! I NEED YOU GUYS :hug:
I weighed and believe it or not in 3 weeks I gained back 8 pounds :help:
Let me tell you I was REALLY BUMMED!!! But you know what, What I did was stupid but I am not going to dwell on it because if I do then I am going to get real depressed and then EAT EAT EAT EAT! So I start agian tomorrow ! :toast:
I cant believe how many new people are on the forum.....WELCOME TO YOU ALL!
And a BIG CONGRATS to everyone on their weight people are awesome :yourock:
Anyways it is soooooooo good to be back, I just cant believe how supportive all you people are, Thank You ! :heart: :heart: :heart:

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Postby Lisa in NY » August 20th, 2005, 8:29 pm

You'll have the 8 gone within a week or two. GOOD FOR YOU for catching it NOW! No problem - just get back on track - this is what makes you or breaks you and you've already decided this will MAKE you! This time next week you'll be feeling a lot thinner!
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Postby mytime » August 20th, 2005, 8:41 pm

WELCOME BACK !!! Hope you had a great time. No worries the way I think of MF is that it is forever so of course there are goign to be vacations and breaks. The very best news, however, is that you always have MF to come home to in order to make sure you are bikini ready for the next vaca. Take care and know that in time the only reminder you will have of your vacation is a lot of wonderful memories. Mytime
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Postby Nancy » August 20th, 2005, 11:49 pm

FatFree ~

Confession is good for you. Show up at Roll Call tomorrow. That way you are publicly accountable and we can watch your progress!

Vacations can be challenging because we often sleep later, stay up later at night and that makes it difficult to stay on our schedules.

With that said, I did manage to lose weight when we went to Kauai while I was on the weight loss phase. I was determined that I wanted health more than I wanted macadamia mind you, the next time I went to Kauai AFTER my weight loss, I had those Kauai mac cookies! And Shave Ice. Because I can. I also came home a lot fluffier than I was when we left the MakeMeThinner Cottage. It came off real fast because I got my rear in gear right away.

:coach: Remember...calories and carbs DO count.

If you're gonna bite it, make sure it is worth it.

Like :scratch: why in the world would anyone waste their taste buds and throw away several days of restraining and Medifasting for a lousy Oreo cookie? :huh:
They are mundane. :yawn:

If I decide to bite it, I want something worthwhile. :eat:

FatFree, we are :bounce: happy to have ya home. We are also very happy to know you are back in the saddle and headed for Thinville. :runner:

Now for those of you planning on a little last minute summer vacation fling make sure you don't fling all your MakeMeTHINner learnings to the wind and come home with extra baggage! ;)
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Postby martha » August 21st, 2005, 5:28 am


Welcome home friend-- Sorry about your little gain but so glad you had a good time..You will have that 8# off in no time.. YOU CAN DO IT :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I have faith in you..We missed you too and are so glad you came back ready to put it all behind you and start fresh..Now let's melt those pounds away together..Martha
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Postby fatBgone » August 21st, 2005, 10:59 am

Hi fatfree!

Don't feel too bad & you're already on the right track by knowing what you need to do. That's the first step back to where you need to be!!! You'll lose that exta poundage in no time!

I went on vacation at the end of July and I did the same thing & I felt so dumb. I had packed all my medifast meals AND my magic bullet & then I didn't even use it - not even once!!! It all started on the day we were driving because we were in the car so long that I had skipped 2 meals. Then when we stopped to eat & feed the kids I was planning on getting my stuff out & found out that it was buried under suitcases that I would have had to unpack the car to get to my foods.

So, I just caved and said oh well - I'll eat now and do the MF when we get checked in....then we got to the beach and everyone wanted seafood for dinner and I thought I could eat a nice MF safe meal (which I did...I had fish & salad). So that whole first day of our trip - I only had one shake - in the morning before we left. Then as each day came & went I just wasn't using my food that I had brought & was eating regular foods & making pretty good choices though & I decided to just enjoy the trip & that I would get back on MF when we got home....

Well, then when we got home - I weighed and couldn't believe that I had only gained 1.5 pounds and my son's, my dad's & my birthday were all coming up within the next couple of days - so I just added on to my "break" and decided to start back on when school started - which was this last Tuesday. So, I was off of MF for about 2 weeks total.

I am glad to be back - I must admit and am looking forward to weighing on Tuesday. I'm pretty sure I've lost what I gained (which ended up being a total of 4 pounds by the time I actually finally re-started) and am hoping that I've even lost more than that too.

I had heard that it was going to be really hard to get back on track - but I've done really well this week & I didn't experience the headaches & tired feelings that I had when I first started MF back in March - so that was pretty cool!

Anyway - fatfree - glad you're back & let's tackle this together!! We can do it!!!
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Postby Nancy » August 22nd, 2005, 1:33 am

fatBgone ~

Thanks for your encouraging note.

Many, many people do not experience any headaches or tiredness when they get back on task after a pause - most feel lousy when they take a junk journey and feel good when they are back on their Medifood.
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Postby fatfree » August 22nd, 2005, 6:20 am

thank you all for your support! It is greatly appreciated, and desperately needed today! I am not too fond of my job and I feel so great when on vacation, but now I have to bite the bullet and go back :aarggh:
Happy monday to you all!!

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Postby Nancy » August 22nd, 2005, 6:30 pm

FatFree ~

Welcome back to MakeMeThinner!!! :cry: Sorry vacation is over...reality already set in, eh? :shock:

There are times when our jobs are just that - a job! It takes all we can :weightlift: muster to crawl out of bed in the morning, to :redprowl: go work, to do our very :trophy: best and to do it with a :mrgreen: sweet attitude - but it is necessary if we wanna avoid living in a refrigerator box and to keep buying our Medigrub!

I have to bite the bullet

I hope that it is not your Magic Bullet that you bite today...

In spite of your environment, have a great :cheers: shakin' day - with every skake/packet you take, you are getting closer to your goal.

Who knows? You may be in a better position to get a better position when you reach your goal weight. Your self-confidence will grow, your attitude will reflect your vitality and you may be able to 'fire' your current boss and get a new one or become the boss!
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