I am back but I am a failure

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I am back but I am a failure

Postby susan » December 8th, 2004, 6:39 pm

Hi averone .
I am back but I haft to tellyou all I have been off and then on and I know what Tamil met when she was talking about this. I don;t know how many more tries I have in me either. you are all doing so good and I am doing so alfew that it stinks and I haven.t been able to stick with it. and I couldn.t get on the forum cause I could;t get on the net my computer has been on the blank . I am starting again in the morning dec.9 so I can use all the help I can get. hopefully I won;t fail this time no excuses for failing I just did and I am so mad at my self for being such a weakling and falling off the wagon if I don;t stick to it this time I am in trouble . I don;t want to have the health problems I had before so I know it is critical that I do this .please help me stay on tract . I haft to get the rest of this wt. off sorry to lay this on everone but I need all of your help .
I am not a quiter I will hang in there tillI get to goal with the good lords help
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Postby Simmshe » December 8th, 2004, 8:03 pm

Hi Susan,

I'm sorry to read of your continuing struggle to get back on plan, honestly, it breaks my heart to hear of it because I can tell how much you want this and how long you have been trying to make this work :hug:.

First let me correct you--you are NOT a failure! You have failed at following your plan like you have wanted to, but that does not make you a failure :). Secondly, are we all really doing so good? I doubt it (not to take anything away from those of you who are on the straight and narrow ;)). It seems to me that there are or have recently been more of us struggling than doing superbly (myself included), so you are in good company of us humans who falter sometimes. We can often feel bad when we compare ourselves to others, so try not to compare your results to others--none of us are in your shoes, so of course we experience and do things differently.

I commend you for continuing to fight to reach your goal--it's so easy to completely give up--many people have quit more easily. As for your re-start, have you figured out what you will do differently this time so you can stay on plan? What are the challenges (both internal/mental and external) that have gotten in your way in the past? Of course, these are rhetorical questions, just something for you to chew on for yourself. From my experience, it seems that if we start again from the same place--with the same plan (mental and behavioral) and conditions, we will often end up with the same results. Something has to give, and only you know what that is.

We are all here for you! We are in the same boat, paddling to shore, and I want for all of us to reach dry land :stroll:. As Pam says, together we will do this! It is soooooooooooooooooooo unbelieveably tough to get some momentum going again--are you ready to get it rolling again? Summon up your superwoman strength to roll that boulder back up the hill--we have to muscle our way back sometimes, taking comfort in knowing that we will be able to relax our muscles some in a couple of weeks--as you probably remember, it gets so much easier after 6-10 days, and progressively easier after that. You can do this--you are not a failure--none of us are.

Wishing you the best on your re-start Susan. Forget about yesterday, only take lessons from it on how to make tomorrow better. With so much desire, it's impossible for you not to do this--and we are all here to help! Let us know how day 1 goes :).

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Postby hotchick » December 8th, 2004, 8:31 pm

Susan...I echo simmshe's point..No one is a failure. You needed to reevaluate...that is all... :brickwall: We all hit the wall at one time or another...You are a success for returning and continuing to try. One only fails if they do not try.... :coach:

Don't give up...you can do this... :cleader: We are here for you...

Susan Susan she's are gal...if she can't do it...Well you get the idea..

:buddies: drink up ...our medifast buddy

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Postby Mrsshrinkinglady » December 8th, 2004, 8:58 pm

I totally agree with what the previous members have said.
Just because you have fallen off your MF plan doesn't make you a failure.
BUT if you allow yourself to think of yourself as one, that makes the fight to stay on plan more difficult.
Look at all the weight you have already lost! That was and is a triumph
of someone with a strong spirit and a determination to get healthier and
feel better.
Please don't beat yourself up and allow negative thoughts to permeate
your mind. Think of yourself as succesful and strong and every morning look in the mirror and find things about yourself you love and are proud of and say them outloud!!
We all have days that are more challenging than others, and we all have moments when we weaken or want to. The difference is in how we choose
to handle those days.
Treat yourself with the love and respect you deserve Susan, and know that we are all in your corner fighting the same fight right beside you.
YOU :goteam: CAN DO IT!!!
When those moments of desire to cheat on the plan come along, focus on something to keep your hands and mind busy. Do you have a hobby?
I knit when I want something bad for me or I go for a walk or I get out my journal and write WHY I really want to eat right then.
That sometimes for me is the answer to not cheating because I realize that I am not wanting to eat out of hunger but due to emotional reasons, and then I just quite frankly force myself to do something else to keep busy till the urge passes and it always does.
Know that we are supporting you 100%.
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Postby Marseilles » December 9th, 2004, 7:07 am

Welcome back Susan :)

Cast aside your feelings of guilt and failure and know you have true acceptance here amongst your medifast friends. We are all here for you and are thrilled to see you back.

Shake on, Susan, your strength will come back to you with each shake.

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Postby hawaiiwhatnot » December 9th, 2004, 11:30 am


Your motto at the end of each of your posts says it all.

Remember you are an inspiration to us all each and every time you get back up after falling. THAT'S what counts!

You are NOT a quitter just like your motto says, and we are very very proud of you!

Hold your head up and let's all keep moving onward and downward and stop that negative self-talk!

I have a tendency to beat myself up too! I didn't exercise yesterday, and have no good excuse for it. So let's all start again today with renewed positive thinking focusing on the here and now.

Strength and patience to us all,
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Postby Sylvia » December 9th, 2004, 1:07 pm

You know, this is a journey that never ends. I thought that when I had finished losing the weight I could declare success and live thin happily ever after. I started planning early on how I would eat after being done. I was confident and unwavering and got to my goal. I was successful losing the weight but am now really struggling not to let those life-long bad habits allow me to put the weight back on.

This is a journey rather than a destination. This is about learning about how to change those habits and live in a more healthy way. Regardless of how much any of us have to lose or have lost, we will not be truly "there" unless and until we get this mastered. This is a work in progress. We all just need to keep at it - the alternative is just not acceptable. And at the end of the day, whether you get there via the express lane or by a more circuitous route, all that will matter is that you've arrived.
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Postby Carrie » December 9th, 2004, 3:04 pm


From one of the ones taking a decidedly circuitous route - thank you for your kind words.

Perhaps I will find once I get to my goal weight that some of my struggles to get there will have been similar to the ones you are experiencing now - in maintenance. It definitely isn't the same route for each of us - same destination though.

Hope to join you at the maintenance stage sometime in the near future,

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thanks to all my medifast buddies

Postby susan » December 9th, 2004, 6:33 pm

Thanks everyone,
for all the support yes I have thought about my down falls and what trigers it off so I am changing that and I ordered me a gazelle so I can exerise without hurting my knee. and the time I have trouble is at night when we are watching tv that is when I want to eat so I will get my yarn out and work on my afaghan in stead of food. I will try to stay busy and think of something else. I have done ok today and last night I wanted something to eat but I went to bed and I won that one. so tommorrow is day 2 and I am going to make it this time and finish losing this wt. it means everthing to keep losing it means my health and I will not go back on medication again and I feel so much better. that is why I was so disgusted with myself. to have came this far and then lose sight of my goal but I have it in sight again and day 2 is coming .I decided to take it one day at a time and with all of you and the lord I will make it to my goal so I will really try hard it wasn;t hard the last time because I kept my goal in sight and I know I haft to always keep it there to win this battle and I will not let it beat me. I am going to lose this other 40 or 50 pounds. thanks for all of you .It really helps to know you are allout there I couldn;t make it with out this forum. has any one tried the chicken salad I would like to order it if it is good but was afraid I wouldn;t like it . thanks again you guys are the best.
I am not a quiter I will hang in there tillI get to goal with the good lords help
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Postby TamiL » December 10th, 2004, 11:53 am

Susan...Im right there with ya girl...we can do this...Im on a clean day 6...and going strong...forget about the countless re-starts....this is the first time as far as Im concerned...we did this once..we can do it again...and keep going this time till our goal weights!! the holidays will be a challange..but just keep focused on what you want for the future..not what you want right now....the food that will be in front of you wont be worth it the next day...and every day we stay faithful to the program is one day closer we are to our goals!!
WE CAN DO THIS SUSAN!! dont give up!! ;)

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Re: thanks to all my medifast buddies

Postby BerkshireGrl » December 10th, 2004, 7:17 pm

susan wrote:has any one tried the chicken salad I would like to order it if it is good but was afraid I wouldn;t like it . thanks again you guys are the best.


The chicken salad is GREAT! I ordered some with my last box, and it is yummy. I scoop it up with 1 pack of crackers, and that is a very tasty dinner :)

Welcome back to the MF fold, and believe - you can succeed!
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Postby Nancy » December 16th, 2004, 8:04 pm

Susan, Dear ~

You are not a failure...you are merely having a little do-over. I was wondering why you hadn't replied to my emails. Now I know. We are not like naughty little puppies when we wander. Welcome home.

You'll get there. Sometimes a person needs a shake up to help them get things going in the right direction. You are firm in your resolve to not go back on medication and we want that old diabetes to be in remission so now is the time to get your rear in gear!

Maybe I ought to call Elmer and tell him to not be snacking in your presence and to clean out the kitchen cupboards! ;)

You can do it, Susan, Yessiree! Rip one off, shake it and slurp it and soon you'll be slidin' down the scale toward your goal.
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Postby Nancy » December 16th, 2004, 8:08 pm

By the way, the Essential 1 Tuna Salad and the Essential 1 Chicken Salad is great!

Chai Tea will be out very soon - the formulation has been perfected, we're just waiting for the packaging now.

I made my Nanner Puddin' into a Nanner shake the other day. I accidentaly put 8 ounces of water in the jar instead of the 4 ounces the recipe calls for. So I thought, why not? Added some ice cubes and took it for a ride in the blender and I had a fabulous Nanner smoothie.
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