I'm back and 33 pounds lighter!!

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I'm back and 33 pounds lighter!!

Postby sheri1103 » September 6th, 2007, 1:52 pm

Hello one and all!

I have been "quiet" all summer so time to rejoin the ranks here.

Oh and Unca could you add me to the 30 pounder club please?

I restarted (again!) at the beginning of the summer. And to date have lost 33 pounds. What I found I needed to do - and for anyone new - this is just what has worked for me...is to be around people who needed to lose and were like me.

I love this forum (and Biki you look totally awesome!!!) but I also needed the support of inperson bodies. So I tracked down a group that is free and meets once a month to discuss weight loss issues. It has been fantastic. I also joined another weight loss program and have been taking their classes. I can also make use of a better scale then mine. And this place offers classes as well. I walked into the first one in July and you know for the first time ever - I did not feel like a beached whale. There were other people who felt and looked as I did. And that did the trick for me.

So I am using M/F to lose the weight (and maintain it when I finish) but I am getting live and in person support as well. The combination has worked and I can't tell you how good I feel. The weight loss center does not know I am using the M/F - but hey this my program and it is working. Isn't that all that counts? I hope this does not sound selfish, but I want off this diet yo yo once and for all.

I have also made some lifesytle changes in both my personal and professional life and what a difference it has made. The stress level has gone way down.

Well I could go on and on, but this is enough for this post. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone. I have logged on from time to time over the summer and all of the posts have meant alot to me.

I have not yet set a goal weight; am taking this one step at a time and relishing the fact that this time it is working!!!
Sheri B
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Postby bikipatra » September 6th, 2007, 1:55 pm

Congrats on the loss so far and welcome back to the board!
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Postby Petunia » September 6th, 2007, 3:23 pm

I fell off the Medifast program and skinned my knee, so to speak, but I have decided to restart. I just found this forum, and it has really inspired me to get straight again. I loved reading about your success this summer. What an inspiration!
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Postby Mike » September 6th, 2007, 4:38 pm

Congrats and welcome back. I moved you into the 30# club. :mrgreen:
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