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Postby shineface » February 3rd, 2005, 1:32 pm

Hi All---

I don't know what else to say except I know this is where I need to be. To all of you Newbies I beg of you - don't ever let go an inch of this program when you are going strong - getting it back I would have never imagined could be so hard. But it is - I know. I had 70 pounds of success and have taken back almost 50 of that and sit here today so sick and tired. I feel the only true comfort I have is this forum and my seeing people I know doing it - people I want to get to know doing it - I must do it again or I will surely die. I know this to be true. Overeating is a debillitating process and effects me physically, emotionally, socially, economically and I am so tired of doing this to myself. I need to stop listening to what ITHINK will work and just do what I am told to do - hand over the control is the biggest step. Make a call, write a check and eat what comes in the box. How much more simple could it get.
Glad to see Nelly is back too - the conductor has another passenger re-boarding the train to Thinsville.
Thanks all --I need each and every one of you.
Pam -"I AM the ME in MEdifast"
Start = 1/24/04 70 down 60 up
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Postby Dani S » February 3rd, 2005, 1:55 pm

Pam, thanks so much for your honesty. I just completed my first month on medifast and love the program. It was made for me. I am so glad to hear your honesty and the fact you didnt give up. Hope to hear from you more. best of loosing. Dani
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Postby TamiL » February 3rd, 2005, 2:59 pm

SOOO Good to see you Back my Shakin Friend!! we all loose our way at times..but the important thing is that we hang on here...keep coming back and NOT give up!! It hit me like a TON of bricks today that ONE YEAR AGO...TODAY I started this Journey...with Medifast...ONE year ago today I weighed 185 pounds....and today I weigh 155....I lost 30 pounds in just a few months...but then lost my way a bit here and there....well a YEAR later...I still struggle...but the miracle is that I have not regained the weight....yes..Ive gone up 10 pounds here and there..but manage to get back on track and get it off...then stay "clean" for a few weeks...but then find myself straying again....Its a BATTLE everyday for those of us who have "played" around and trying to get back on track....but WE DONT GIVE UP for long..thats the important thing..its amazing to me that Im still pluggin away at this..that I havent thrown in the towel for good!!
and I TRULY believe that Medifast is my answer...I just have to remain faithful to this program and MOST important to MYSELF to get to my goal....its been a long year...but I wont give up...and IM SOOOO glad to see some of my old shakin pals...COMING back....we are all here for the same we stray or loose our ways....
this forum is for SUPPORT of that....and without you all..I dont think I could have done this!!

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Postby RavenKat2 » February 3rd, 2005, 3:14 pm

Absolutely!! Welcome back!

You could have gained it ALL back and then some before the light came on- but you didn't!!!! :hi5: We're glad to have you join us again.


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Postby Karen » February 3rd, 2005, 5:11 pm

it is great to see all of you back and with it. One thing that keeps me from "cheating" on this program, is reading some of you who have written in to say how difficult it is to restart. This program IS working for me. Though I am really never hungry, there are days that I really miss eating what I want. Never mind that what I want is not good for me for several reasons. ( meat pizza, double cheese, frosted chock. brownies, FUDGE, etc) These have no redeeming value, but they are what I miss/want the most. I really hope that by the time I get to goal, I will have a firm handle on HEALTHY eating habits. (I KNOW what those healthy habits are... it is living/eating within the confines of them that is the problem). Another hundred pounds to loose seems impossible. But then, only three months ago, I never would have dreamed losing even 50 pounds was possible for me. The time has flown by, the weight has seemingly dropped off. I can hardly believe that I am 1/3 the way to goal. WOW! I have no doubt, that if I had not started MF, I would have gained close to 50 pounds, the way I was out of control. I do so much self-talk, sometimes I think I am nuts, but it works.
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Postby jene115 » February 3rd, 2005, 7:31 pm

To all of you Newbies I beg of you - don't ever let go an inch of this program when you are going strong - getting it back I would have never imagined could be so hard.

Welcome back Pam. Although I'm new to this forum, I'm a veteran at starting and stopping other diets and I know how hard it is. Staying true to your diet in the tough times is what builds character. I read something one time that has stuck with me. It's about self promises. The promises we make to ourselves are the most important ones because the promises we break to ourselves chip away at our psyche and then you start doubting yourself and to me, that's a deadly sin.

Four years ago, I was waking up between 3:45 and 4 a.m. to go work out for an hour, six days a week (later on Saturdays, though). I was eating healthy and life was so good. I mean I was so happy, happier than I've ever been, because I was doing what I was meant to do to be healthy. I plan on using that energy and memory to carry me to my goal.

You've come a long way already and you're back here where you belong, among friends and people who will support you. I was telling a friend of mine today how happy I was to have found this forum because the support here is phenomenal. Lean on us here girl when you feel you are slipping. Don't give up, it's so worth it!
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Postby LongWay2go » February 4th, 2005, 5:53 am

Pam, sweet Pam! I have been thinking about you heavily for the past 2 days and intending to look around for posts from you. I am so happy to see you back! You, Tami and I (and Sarah if she's willing!) need to reopen discussions about meeting somewhere. I think we could all benefit from some in-person support. I know the weather is horrible here now but I think we should figure out a date, time and place and do a meet-n-greet. It might be helpful for all of us if we try to do that regularly! I mean it, seriously. Let's do it. You and Tami are the two furtherest from one another. Let's figure out a town, then find a place we can meet, pick a day/time and do this! BTW all, I'm not excluding anyone else either but with my recent absence, I'm not aware of other NEglanders on the group, so you are all welcome to join in too!

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Postby NikkiNix » February 4th, 2005, 2:28 pm

Hi Pam,

I am so glad your back. I am also starting over from almost a year ago and unfortionaltly I did gain all my weight back plus 10 lbs making me have an all time high. I also decieded to get back to the program and it has been one month today I have lost 27lbs and I'm sure it would of been more but i had a couple of slip ups. I don't know why we do that to ourselves we know this program works but staying the course is always hard, anyway I figure we are all human and no one is perfect what makes it ok is that we try again and again and again if we need to. You were there for me alot of times in the past, and I don't know if you remember me but, you kept giving me motivation when I had none. Last year I wanted other people to hold me accountable and I didn't hold myself accountable and I think that gave me an excuse to blame others for my own failure, even though I was the one that was stuffing my face. I had a lot of hardships last year and blamed alot of my eating on that. The truth is we all have hardships because that is life. Without the bad we wouldn't appreciate the good. I told Nancy that my desperation has finally turned into determination and something clicked in me this year and I know I can do it. I need to lose 180lbs and I want to lose 120lbs this year, I don't want to overshot my goals and end up in the same place giving up. I will tell you, for the first time ever, that I got up to 348lbs. This is something only Nancy knew untill today. I felt embarrassed because I was one of the heaviest women on the forum and I know it doesn't matter to anyone here because we are all in the same boat but I was afraid one of my friends would find out and then everyone would be talking at home. The reason I am sharing this with you is because you have shared so much with me in the past, along with Nancy, Spidey, and Tamil, and everyone
else. You came clean so I thought I would join you. This year I am trying to be more supportive and less needy. Lets take it one day at a time and glory will be ours.

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Postby 24KaratGold » February 4th, 2005, 2:35 pm

Good for you, Nikki, to have the determination to make it happen!

Listen, my best girlfriend started Medifast on Labor Day at 366 pounds. By the middle of last month she was down to 286! I don't know what she's down to right now, because she gets weighed just once a month at the doctor's, and today was her day to go in, so I'll know tonight. That was 80 pounds in four and a half months, and she is doing 5 and 1. And it included the holidays and traveling time with family where she wasn't quite as in control of the "lean and green" as she is at home.

27 pounds in one month is well on your way. Just keep focused on today. I can do almost anything for a day -- tomorrow will be its own day. One day at a time.

Hang in there!

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Postby NikkiNix » February 4th, 2005, 3:03 pm

Thanks 24KaratGold,

That truly is amazing, your friend must be feeling like a million bucks. I am on the full fast and the days I did slip up I ate salad and steak except 2 days I had mexican food and felt horrible :oops: . If I keep losing more than 25lbs a month I am not gonna complain but my goal is at least 20lbs a month and I think that is reasonable since I am on the higher end of the scale. My first time on Mf a year ago I got down to 306lbs and then ,I was like, I am doing soo good I deserve pizza and that was the end of that story. I pm'd a couple of people and begged them to help me stay the course and I would lose 10 and gain 10 and I was so embarrassed that I let these people down I just fell off the wagon and stopped looking at the forum all together. I gained all my weight back plus 10 and then I decieded to get over myself. I know that by my birthday , March 15th, I will be under 300lbs for the first time in almost 8 years. This is a promise to myself and I am gonna do it. Thanks for the encouragement.

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Postby LongWay2go » February 4th, 2005, 3:39 pm

Nikki, so good to see you back and I have to praise you a bit. Your post was very profound and something that needed to be said. You sacrificed a lot by being so exceptionally honest. That is very commendable and you deserve a lot of respect for having the courage. I wish you well and hope this journey is successful for you.

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Postby NikkiNix » February 4th, 2005, 4:03 pm


Awe shucks you make me blush :oops: I have been thinking about you alot and am proud of you my friend 90lbs is amazing! I heard you were a supper star in Vegas without your chair and cain walking all over town. You look like a different guy. How is the new car? Have you been driving around town showing off the new you? You truly are a WALKING inspiration to me. I missed you and am back for the long haul.

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Postby LongWay2go » February 4th, 2005, 4:17 pm

Good for you, Nikki! I really am very pleased to see you back. Vegas was a blast and I was actually very happy to have blisters on all my toes from all that walking. As bad as it hurt, every step reminded me that not 6 month prior, I could not walk at all and that made it every bit worthwhile to me! Meeting Nancy, Terry, Unca and Mike was really a blessing and something I recommend to everyone! I think Nancy is trying to pull off a MMT forum get-together later this year, which I hope to be able to attend.

The car is garaged for now. Too much snow and ice here. It will be out in the spring, assuming I'm home and not in St. Croix!

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Postby Karen » February 4th, 2005, 4:28 pm

Nikki.... don't feel alone. The hardest part of this whole MF thing for me was actually posting my weight where others could see it. NO ONE, except maybe my doctor knew how much I weighed. In over 25 years I have not told a soul and I knocked off about 55 pounds on my drivers license, and that was 50 pounds ago. When I finally typed out the number 295 and hit the submit button, it was like a HUGE weight was lifted off of me. Silly me, I have been telling everyone I know how much weight I lose each week. 50 pounds so far, hopefully another 50 by my vacation in May and if all goes well another 50 by my birthday in September. Do I think they can't count it up? It is just horrible being this overweight. Not saying the number outloud, somehow made me think it wasn't that bad. The funniest thing now is.. after this much weight loss, I feel like I am about 110 pounds...I still frown when I look in the mirror... but I am gettin there. This is a great diet and this is a wonderful forum. I am thankful to each of you, your posts are very helpful.
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Postby elle4nelly » February 4th, 2005, 4:40 pm

Hi Pam!

Welcome back!
You know Pam, Medifasting is a lot like Life. You see I like using the analogy that it is much like a highway. Both have the same origin and the same destination. And so it is that some travel these highways like straight arrows from point A to Z. And then Pam there’s the rest of us!! I have taken many a shortcut that landed me nowhere and sometime set me back. I took a few detours, U turns, scenic road, underpass, country roads and have broken down a couple times when I didn’t all together run out of gas. Recently, I was going over the limit on the Medifast highway. I was high on fast weight loss and all was going well. Nothing was going to slow me down. Well, that’s true in “Perfect” as the commercial goes. In this highway of life it doesn’t work this way. One phone call from some ex-arse and this little red corvette went veering off the road and crashing in a ditch!!! And in that ditch I ate and drank like an idiot. I had given up on my dreams of a thinner me though deep inside I knew I hated being overweight and wanted thin real bad! And when I had enough of Binging I decided to sit down and spend my days wallowing and pouting on the side of this highway. I was mad at myself, I was mad anybody and especially the jerk who started it all and blah blah blah…..But no one should have been blamed because I was being my own biggest obstacle.

Like a toddler, I was having a manic tantrum. A manic tantrum over what I though was the high and unfair price of losing weight. I had I thought to haggle and bargain the price of losing weight! BUT???? What price can you place on being thin, healthy and happy with yourself? I realized that all my suffering is about not wanting to pay the price it takes to achieve my dreams.

The day I had this reflection, I realized that sitting down on the side of the highway upset , reveling in what should have been and wasn’t while watching life go by wasn’t getting me any closer to anything but deeper sorrow. So I got up, like I’ve done before and decided that I need to start trekking!!!! That’s right! I told myself: “get up your arse and start trekking!!! You may not be sure of where you’re heading at this very moment but sitting down isn’t an option and perhaps while I walk down this highway the path will become clearer and the destination will be reached!
The points I wanted to drive home to you Pam are the following:
1. Life isn’t perfect!
2. Medifast just like Life is a highway with many exits, U-turns, shortcuts, bumps, potholes, back ways, underpasses and etc...And all of these represents, the temptations in our lives, the emotional turmoil, the insecurities, the fears, the disaccords, the stress and so much more.
3. But none of these obstacles should stop us short of realizing our dreams
4. Should you run out of gas, come crashing, go skidding in a ditch or simply pull over for a break; Reflect, re-evaluate your dream and should you find that this is really what you want then my beloved friend, right there and then get up and get going again.
5. You may be dazed and confused. You might be unsure of where this highway is leading you and doubt each step.
6. But if you keep going, your path will become clearer and you will reach your destination. Realizing a dream that ‘YOU “have the power to realize!
7. The price to pay for getting thin, healthy and happy might seem too high and worth haggling for. But achieving your weight loss goal and becoming the thin and happy woman you always dreamt to be … That would be “ Priceless”

Welcome back Pam!!

This train is heading to Thinville.

Your Friend Nelly!

<edit>edited by UT</edit>
Final Restart on Dec 18th
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