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Postby NikkiNix » February 4th, 2005, 8:02 pm

Hi Karen,

Thanks for your post I know what ya mean by feeling like a weight has been lifted. It's the first time I said my weight outloud and it gives me a true look at were I am and were I am gonna be. I can hold myself accountable and it gives me a better means to reach my goals. I bet you get there by your b-day and then you will be under 200lb mark. That will be awesome! Hey Spidey did you say something about getting together with Nancy and others? Where is the plan to meet? If I get under 250lbs by summer I have promised my family a trip to Disney world. My kido's are counting on me so I don't want to dissapoint them or myself. I also wanted to say welcome back to Elle.

Happy shakin,

Today is the first day of the rest of my life!
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Postby Sylvia » February 6th, 2005, 2:42 pm

Pam and Nelly,

First, welcome back! Have thought about both of you and am glad to see you've found your way home.

Nelly, I agree with your analogy of a highway. This is a journey rather than a destination. Yes, I was able to stay true to the plan all the way to my goal. Do you really think that makes it one bit easier to stay at my goal? I'm in the same boat as the rest of you - thinner and happier than I've been in years but still not all the way there. I have so far shown that I can lose weight on MF but the jury is still out as to whether I can keep it off on real food. It is hard and while I have improved many of my bad eating habits I am still stuck with others.

I have made exercise a big part of my life and think daily exercise is what has kept me from regaining weight. I have also decided that I want to lose another 10-15 pounds. I will be rejoining you all on Valentine's Day for 3 weeks or so. In addition to losing a few more pounds, I am looking forward to regaining control of my eating and keeping a bit more control post transition.

As for you guys and all of you newbies just starting the program, you can do this. This is more mental than physical which makes it harder but I am convinced it can be done for the long haul.

While I am not 100% there mentally I am most of the way there physically and can tell you it is a nice place to be. Would I like this to be easier? Yes. Would I like to be truly done rather than a work in progress? Yes. But it is what it is.

Stick with the program and with this forum and you will both make it - I'm sure of it!

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Postby shineface » February 9th, 2005, 1:21 pm

Hi All---

Thank you so much for the support and acceptance as I again join this group of living, breathing miracles. That's what keeps me going, that's what keeps me coming. I have been struggling with my re-start. Today is my second day on plan - and I feel the power. You know how you just know when you've finally got it - I feel that today. Little things like planning my day and supplements and being prepared all make a difference -- you all know ... failing to plan is planning to fail... story of my life. However being here does let me know that I am not so unique and I didn't invent the pain and struggle of being obese and in pain and unable to stop pulling the trigger and dodging the bullet of death one more time... like playing with a hand grenade. Yesterday I pulled out my journal that I kept from first time around doing this --- and you know what? It wasn't as easy to begin the first time as I have in my mind... BUT I had resolve and was liking myself a little bit more then and was willing to do whatever it took to stay on board.... reading helped me to get back to that feeling that I can do this... I know how to do this... I have people that support me in this journey and most importantly, I deserve this health .... and I still have a strong desire to once again wear tight jeans, short skirts, high boots, slutty clothes, high heels and dance the night away before I turn 50 this year. I can do this - I will do this with the help of all of you and sharing what I am going through as I read about what you're all going through. My journal says over and over again how priceless this forum is - and it is - I know that. I would be open to any kind of Northeast get together those of you in this area want to do ... think I'm cute in text ... wait until you meet me :roll:

Gotta say it ...

Pam -"I AM the ME in MEdifast"
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Postby bk » February 9th, 2005, 1:38 pm

Pam - you just totally cracked me up!

You can totally do it! We will be expecting pictures of you in your get-up in a few months!!! :)
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Postby BerkshireGrl » February 9th, 2005, 4:13 pm

(Note: This post is now hereby rated PG. Shield your chil'ins.)


Wooooohooooo let's hear it for the slutty clothes! As Austin Powers would say, YEAH Baby! :twisted:

And we are here for you... and pulling for you every moment.

I will be busting my chubby butt to lose weight as soon as I get my new box of stash. I CAN'T WAIT! I am so raring to go!

Remember as we all struggle that there are people here who succeeded, and are staying on track, in their fierce determined tiny bods.

We can do this together, chica!

And dress to shock the pruds when we are done ;) Muhaha!
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