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Back again...

Postby kimay » October 26th, 2004, 5:56 pm

Hi everybody!
Most of you probably don't even know who I am, since it's been soooo long. I think last time I logged in was ummm about July or so. I got down to 154 (YAY!) from 189, was doin great, then I blew it, went off and did not eat properly. Thought I was on top of the world and didn't pay attention. Didn't dare step on the scale and slowly but surely my weight has crept back up to about 180. I still have a huge box of MF staring at me. Sunday morning, I finally got the courage to rip open that first packet of MF and started, once again, my journey to thinness. I'm trying really hard and know I can do it (I hope). Last time it seemed so easy. I made it through about 12 weeks w/o cheating or anything. Today is Tuesday, my third day and I am still in the running.
Decided to come back to the forum where I spent lots of time before when I was successful. Needless to say, I'm a little frightened this time. For some reason I feel like I might falter more than I did than the very first time I started. WHY?! I know I can do it, I did it before!? Anyways, I'm having a hard time and was wondering if anybody has any words of wisdom? Anybody out there have a relapse, then a restart and if so, how'd they do the second time around? Is Jeanette around still??? Thanks for listening.
5'5-1/2" 41 y/o 182/180/130
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Postby Nancy » October 26th, 2004, 6:44 pm

Hello and welcome back, Kid!

Have others had a relapse? :shock:

:x Unfortunately there are others that have had a relapse...

It is vital to be accountable and to make LIFE LONG CHANGES or we go back to our old foody = fat ways...
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
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Postby fedup » October 27th, 2004, 10:54 am

Hi Kim! I'm kinda new still, been on MF a little over a month. (okay, 4 weeks, 2 days and 6 hours, but whose counting! ;) )

When you were doing MF the first time around were you full fast or 5 and 1 plan? How bout this time? I log into this forum a lot, cause it really helps. (I'm sure you already know that if you did this before!) Don't beat yourself up for the past, the important thing is your picking yourself back up, and you CAN do it! Don't allow any doubt to creep in (like saying you "hope" you can do it...) you gotta KNOW you can do it, know that you WILL do it, and as a matter of fact, you ARE doing it!! Keep on keeping on!
Christy 5'5" age-34
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Hi Fedup

Postby Guest » October 28th, 2004, 7:36 pm

Thanx for the encouragement. I do and did the full fast. How bout you? (couldn't remember if you said or not.) How much have you lost? I can't wait to get to where you are now. So far, so good though. And you're right, I CAN not I hope. I am already starting to feel thinner. How much do you have to lose? Keep up the good work. Don't ever cheat. It's not worth it!
10/25/04 5-5-1/2" 41 y/o 182/180?/130
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Postby Simmshe » October 29th, 2004, 8:57 am

Welcome back, Kim! I can relate to how you feel about relapsing. I'm just coming off of a three-week relapse myself (LONG story that I've written about in other posts, but I'll just say that lots of stress and a depressive episode contributed to this relapse).

I'm on Day 8 now, and actually feel stronger this second time around. If your committment and resolve is strong, you will be fine! What works for me, and what has always worked for me when it comes to committing to losing weight is making it a number 1 priority. I've postponed trips, will pass on occasions that involve food (if I feel it's necessary), etc.--ANYTHING that will interrupt my MF plan has to go. I wish I could have put off my Bermuda trip (the catalyst to my relapse), but I didn't. I learned my lesson.

Of course, as Christy said--the past is over. But review what went wrong last time and strategize on what you can and will do differently this time. Work on strengthening your weak spots, as we all have some! Recommit, fight everyday, if necessary--talk back to yourself--until this thing gets on autopilot for you again. The good thing is, you know what to expect. Like now, I'm past the physical hunger stage, but now the food-sensitive stage has kicked in (I can name food being prepared in a restaurant a block away by the aroma :flip:--it was bacon and scrambled eggs this morning as I passed a diner!), but I expected this sensitive, drooling-over-food-stage, so it's easier for me to acknowledge this and move on. This acknowledgement weakens any cravings associated with the bombardment of smells (my new neighborhood has about 15 restaurants in a four-to-five-block radius and I'm smelling food constantly when I go out!). But, in a week or so, this ultra food sensitivity will pass and these smells will become virtually a nonissue.

Anyways, figure out what you need to stick to your plan and see it through, whether it be going to bed early, relaxation/stress management tools in place (my number 1 need), counseling, avoiding certain social events, support groups, etc.--whatever you need, get it. Hang in there Kim! You can and will do this :)!
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Postby fedup » November 1st, 2004, 11:24 am

Hi Kim- I'm on full fast. I don't do shake only though, I do 3 shakes a day, 1 soup w/ MF crackers, 1 bar a day. I've been on MF 5 weeks now and I'm down 22 pounds. I've never lost weight this quickly or consistently before. I LOVE IT! I've found that weeks when I lose a lower number are usually followed by bigger loss weeks! I didn't log in much over the weekend, so hows it going now? getting through those first few days is the hardest, then your cruisin! ;)
Christy 5'5" age-34
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I know EXACTLY how you feel

Postby Darlene » November 22nd, 2004, 11:16 am

I too have done the same thing. I was 189 starting April then went down to 165 and then my hubby's grandfather died and we wwent out to KS on July 4th. I did the 5-1 from the start. I think that was my problem. I think I allowed myself too much to eat during that one meal and never really learned the control part. It is now Nov 22 and I am back to 180. Everything that started to really fall off of me is now tight once again.
So here I am 3 days before Thanksgiving starting up again. I think i will have turkey that day and just be very careful but have my shakes before and then starting friday morning just shakes. I did incorporate the bars and soups and all the rest into it then as well. I think I need to do what I read Nancy did......just shakes in the beginning and know that there is nothing else for you to intake but the shakes.
Another thing....i ordered my hubby the MF 70. I have alot of those left and with cash running a bit thin during the holidays I think I am going to have to just take those till there done......there is like a month of shakes sitting there.
So, I know how you feel. looks like we have around the same weight too so if you ever feel like you need a boost write. I will be in the same boat.
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Postby Nancy » November 22nd, 2004, 11:53 am

Kim and Darlene ~

Starting a weight loss program is NEVER easy and there NEVER seems to be a time to begin when there are no special foody events on the horizon. I commend you both for taking control of an out of control situation.

Once a person reaches the point of making that important decision to LOSE IT, they become very committed and then they WILL make it.

We are here to encourage you and to see you to your goal.

Thanksgiving is but one day - have a shake before supper - don't go all day without fueling, thinking that you will save calories to spend on other things. Prepare a large green salad and prepare some 'safe' veggies - plain steamed broccoli or green beans w/o cheese and mushroom sauce and no crispy french fried onions! Weigh out your meat portion (secretly, if you feel it necessary to do so!). Have some salad, veggies and turkey. Have some Medifast pudding for dessert or else make some sugar free jello and have a teensy blob of fat free Cool Whip on it. No bread! No fruit! No gravy and smashed taters. You already know how they taste!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
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