Day 101 of Compliance
I think it was Nickie that started a 100 day challenge the week I started Medifast so I adopted that as a personal goal. Compliance for 100 days. Well, yesterday was day 100 for me so I wanted to be sure and post my results today.
In 100 days I lost 40.8 lbs and at least 36.5 inches. I've also gone from wearing a tight 16 to a size 10.
I won't say every day was a breeze, but I was able to stay compliant the entire 100 days and for that I am very thankful. I think the early days, maybe the first week, was probably the hardest--before I had many days under by belt. Honestly after I got into the double digit days of compliance anytime I thought of eating off plan I just remembered the challenge and what day I was on and knew I didn't want to blow it. Maybe that was a little bit of OCD kicking in, but whatever it was it worked and for that matter it's still working today.
I read back over the early pages of my paper and online journals this morning and while the physical changes have been dramatic, so have the mental changes. When I started Medifast I was in desperation. I had spent the entire month before binging on anything and everything in sight. My self confidence was zilch. I was probably at the lowest of my lows. I knew I had to do something about my weight and luckily I chose Medifast. As I was working on my physical health with MF I was also working on my mental health. As my body began to heal so did my mind. I am so much happier today than when I started MF on July 11th. It's a decision I have never regretted.
Last night I told my husband that I was on day 100. He said "Wow! I'm proud of you baby." That felt really good. Even though I'm well aware of my progress and achievement I still crave validation and recognition from others. Maybe that's human nature, but I have truly been basking in the attention my DH has given me since I made it to Nashville last Friday.
Some on the forum know that due to my husband's recent promotion and job transfer to Nashville and waiting on our house to sell in Grand Rapids, MI that I've spent the past 4 months in vitual isolation in MI. I've often considered that I've been able to remain compliant because I was alone and not faced with too many food choices since I wasn't around other people to influence me. Even though I prayed every day we would find a buyer, I was also worried about when I finally would get to Nashville and I would be faced with "the outside world". The stress was really evident the past 3 or so weeks after we finally got an offer and I started to plan the move. I pushed through it remembering what I wanted be thin.
I've been in Nashville for a week now and I'm happy to report that I'm doing just fine. I made it through an artist's show at the Wild Horse and dinner with a record rep without a single nibble or sip off plan. I'm very proud of that but also proud that I felt normal. This place is full of beautiful people--seriously. The best part is I have felt completely comfortable. Not fat at all. That's huge in and of it's self because I have always felt fat...even in high school at 118 lbs. 118 lbs--I'd love to be that fat again.
With Medifast, someday I just might be.
So today is day 101. What happens on day 101? Do I reward myself with a sinfully off plan meal? No way! Oddly, nothing off plan even sounds appealing. I've still got 20 lbs to go to reach my original goal of 130 lbs.
So day 101 will be another day on plan with nothing out of the ordinary. Well, except for the manicure and pedicure I'm planning on getting to reward myself for 100 days of compliance!
Inches lost:
Waist--------7.5 inches
Abdomen---9.0 inches
Hips---------8.5 inches
Thighs------5.75 in each leg
14 Week Progress:
Starting Weight— 190.6
Week 01—8.8 lbs—181.8
Week 02—1.6 lbs—180.2
Week 03—2.0 lbs—178.2
Week 04—1.6 lbs—176.6
Week 05—3.8 lbs—172.8
Week 06—1.8 lbs—171.0
Week 07—3.4 lbs—167.6
Week 08—2.0 lbs—165.6
Week 09—2.2 lbs—163.4
Week 10—3.0 lbs—160.4
Week 11—2.4 lbs—158.0
Week 12—2.8 lbs—155.2
Week 13—0.2 lbs—155.0
Week 14—5.2 lbs—149.8
*added exercise