I'm baaaaaack

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I'm baaaaaack

Postby DogMa » May 19th, 2006, 2:43 pm

I'm finally up and running at home, and mostly moved in. Still plenty of unpacking to do, plus the @!%% movers brought a truck that was too small and didn't get all of my stuff!!

I also was not so good for a couple of days, although I kind of knew that would happen. I was actually DOWN 1.2 today, but I'm not putting it in my ticker yet - I'll wait till I've had a day or so of all my water and everything first. The good news is, despite a LOT of extra activity - especially last night, when I was up and down my step ladder and running across the house multiple times while I tried to resolve a network issue - I woke up with practically no soreness at all, even though I was in a lot of pain when I went to bed. I even walked to Radio Shack to pick up a component I needed, which is about half a mile each way. Yay, me!!

So how's everyone? And what the heck is up with Ark and Shana? I saw in another thread that they're both MIA.

Oh, and the soy crisps? Big thumbs-up, but I didn't get a sample in my order. Hmph. And I still wish they'd make the bag a little bigger and make it a meal instead of a snack. I'd have 'em over a bar any day.

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Re: I'm baaaaaack

Postby ascicles » May 19th, 2006, 2:59 pm

DogMa wrote:Oh, and the soy crisps? Big thumbs-up, but I didn't get a sample in my order. Hmph. And I still wish they'd make the bag a little bigger and make it a meal instead of a snack. I'd have 'em over a bar any day.

That would be great...especially if we could have them AND a bar in the same day. I was just looking up the nutritional info, and two bags of soy chips are basically identical to most shakes/drinks, but unfortunately they only have half of the protein. I think that may make it impossible for this to work.
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Postby supermom » May 19th, 2006, 3:40 pm

Great to have you back. Moving is such a pain. I hope to be doing it sometime this century, though. Our house is WAAAYY small for our family. I actually lived in Arlington for a while. I went to UTA. You know, I have GOT to get better about my supplements and water. I am not eating off plan, I am just not getting everything in. I just have to make more time for it, I guess.

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Postby dede4wd » May 19th, 2006, 3:57 pm

Glad you're back...get some rest (yeah right!) not with a move!

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Postby DogMa » May 19th, 2006, 4:10 pm

Thanks, guys. The good news is I got right back on plan today with no trouble. And if the scale was RIGHT today, it would be a miracle. I was at 139.8 - wow! (OK, the other good news is I got a couple of cravings out of the way. And the stuff wasn't nearly as good as I had hoped, although I think it was the choice of restaurants more than anything.)

And I love not only the house and giant yard, but my new electronics set-up (which anyone coming to the Great North Texas Get-Together next month will be forced to admire).

Oh, and those soy crisps are too tasty. I don't think I'll be reordering till they make a meal version. Much too dangerous for me - and I'm not even much of a chip eater. But the white Cheddar rocks! Definitely reminded me of cheese popcorn, except it could use a little more salt.

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Postby Ct. Yankee » May 19th, 2006, 5:11 pm

A Big, Big, Big WELCOME back, Robin!!! :D So good to have you back here! :D

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Postby DogMa » May 19th, 2006, 6:00 pm

I think I probably sweated them off. Or stressed them off. And yes, of course I still have to work this weekend. Sigh. But I'm feeling much better now that the network is working and things are hooked up. And I have someone coming Wednesday to tackle a few projects at the house (umm, like hooking up my ice/water thing on the fridge and hooking up my washer and dryer, because I'm too lame to do it myself).

And the idiot movers brought too small a truck and left some of my stuff behind at the house. Some of it's too big/heavy for me to bring over myself, so I finally called this afternoon to complain - and they've promised to come this weekend and pick up the rest of it! Yay! So after that, I just need cleaners at the old house and a handyman for a couple of small things at the new house, and I'll be DONE for a while. Hopefully in time to enjoy the rest of the playoffs and get ready for the Medifast bbq at my house.

Right now I'm just glad I didn't too much damage with horrible eating and water habits (you know, I KNOW not to go without eating so long because I'll eat something bad, but does that stop me? Of course not. The good news is I apparently have come a long way, because I can do that and have a couple of really ridiculous days, but just go back to normal right afterward. If I can do that the rest of my life, I'm confident I'll be able to stay thin. And as much as the Chinese food and pizza and fast food were disappointments, can I just say my beloved peanut butter was every bit as good as I remember - but I actually STOPPED after a few spoonfuls instead of finishing the jar. Baby steps, people, baby steps.)

So how is everyone? Ark and Shana, I hope you show up soon! And Lisa, you seem to be MIA today, too. Come back!!

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Postby DogMa » May 19th, 2006, 6:39 pm

I wish I could. Although, honestly, it's kind of nice to go to work tonight. I'm too tired to deal with more boxes right now. This is almost like taking a break. I get to sit all night, for one thing, which my muscles appreciate.

I can't believe I actually walked to do my errand today. But it's 0.4 mile from the house, according to Mapquest, and I couldn't justify getting in the car for that. Which is also kinda new to me. CHOOSING to walk? What a concept.

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Postby gillian » May 21st, 2006, 3:03 pm

I am soooooooo hapy for you!!!!!

I too am wondering what happened to Ark- The Really Hot Madonna Fan.

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