I just started MF last week and a few days into the program I got the unexpected visit. "She" wasn't due for weeks yet, but I am also on a birthcontrol pill that only "allows" me to have the visit once every 3 months. Usually I'm very regular on that pill, and right now my visit is very light. My question- did others experience this at the start of MF? I ran across a comment by another new person so I though I'd ask a general question to everyone about it. I read in the info that cycles can be thrown off, I just wondered 'cause it was so early into the MF program for me.
Also, I am very happy with my results for week 1, but I also noticed that I lost my weight prior to the light Flo visit, and since then I've stayed the same during the 2nd half of the week. Is there a chance that this could've stalled by results a little, and I'll continue to see more loss over the next few days as Flo regulates? I know that's the case with regular Aunt Flo visits, so probably the same for the surprise variety huh!