Attention BeSlim Club Members

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Attention BeSlim Club Members

Postby Nancy » May 19th, 2008, 6:39 pm

:coach: Attention BeSlim Club Members!

There is a critical difference...

There is a difference between canceling a BeSlim Club order and suspending it.

It is entirely possible to suspend a BeSlim Club order without affecting your accrued BeSlim savings discount.

However, if you cancel your BeSlim Club order, it will erase the percentage savings you’ve earned, it stops the accrual of reward points, and removes the free shipping benefit for orders over $200. :brickwall:

Please know the BeSlim Club features can certainly be added again at a later time should a client wish to re-join; the discount will begin again at 5 percent and over time progress to the 12 percent discount for the seventh month and beyond of consecutive BeSlim orders.

If you would like to put a BeSlim order on hold WITHOUT canceling it (which would erase all BeSlim advantages), simply follow the following steps:
• Log in to your account
• Click on Item Number 6, ‘BeSlim Settings’
• Click "Edit Order"
• Then click "Suspend for One Month."

This process automatically puts your BeSlim order on hold for one month while keeping your BeSlim Club advantages intact.

You may suspend your BeSlim order one time per year.

There is no minimum order; clients pay the shipping fees for orders under $200 but please carefully consider placing a small BeSlim order if you are going on vacation or for nutritional supplementation if you are temporarily off the weight loss phase rather than canceling your BeSlim Membership.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit
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Certified Health Advisor - #130 Club
Certified Health Advisor - #130 Club
Posts: 5088
Joined: July 2nd, 2003, 11:32 am
Location: Vancouver, WA

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