by DogMa » February 26th, 2007, 3:23 pm
Yes and no. For a while, I was in a nice routine with food and exercise and having no trouble maintaining. And then everything kind of blew up at once (Maggie was diagnosed, my uncle became seriously ill, I eventually had to fly to California to help take care of him, I started a new job with completely different hours, the dating thing started, etc.) and I struggled a little (some bad food choices and a LOT of trouble keeping up with my workouts). But I seem to be getting back into the groove after gaining about 3 pounds (I'm down 1 so far, and am prepared to really crack down on the exercise so that I at LEAST start running every day again).
But the old habits are still there, so I still need to be vigilant. There are some new habits, though. Even at my worst, I was running or walking a few times a week and staying away from the really bad stuff (I think in the couple of months that everything was in upheaval, I had dessert maybe three or four times total, and pasta once - and I only ate part of it, and refused to take home the rest). So there's certainly been progress. But you're right; the work definitely doesn't stop when the weight loss does.
And yeah, it was pretty awful with the illness. Her tail was paralyzed, so it was hard even to tell whether she was happy sometimes. But I spent the last two weeks giving her the best treats I could think of (the last week she had KFC every single night because it's her favorite) and spending as much time with her as I could.
I sure didn't plan on getting a puppy, though. I wanted an older dog, just like Maggie was when I got her. But first I got Teemu, who was supposed to be a year but was really only about 6 months. And now Mojo, who I knew was young but I fell in love with her just from her photos. She's really one of the cutest dogs I've ever seen, even though she's a monster. And she just abuses poor Teemu to no end, although most of the time he seems to love it.
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